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Tutorial on Parameter Reconciliation Functions

Author: Jiawei Zhang
(Released: November 25, 2024; Latest Revision: November 28, 2024.)
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In this tutorial, you will learn

  • what is parameter reconciliation function,
  • how to do parameter reconciliation in tinybig,
  • how to calculate required parameter numbers,
  • and how to create reconciliation function from config.

Many materials used in this tutorial are prepared based on the Section 5.2 of [1], and readers are also recommended to refer to that section of the paper for more detailed technical descriptions when you are working on this tutorial.


[1] Jiawei Zhang. RPN: Reconciled Polynomial Network. Towards Unifying PGMs, Kernel SVMs, MLP and KAN. ArXiv abs/2407.04819 (2024).

1. What is Parameter Reconciliation Function?

Parameter reconciliation function is a component function used in the RPN for reconciling the model parameters to accommodate the data expansion space and desired output space:

\psi: R^{l} \to R^{n \times D},

where \(l\) is the parameter number, \(D\) and \(n\) denotes the expansion space and output space dimensions, respectively.

The parameter reconciliation function \(\psi\) adjusts the available parameter vector of length \(l\) by fabricating a new parameter matrix of size \(n \times D\) to accommodate the expansion space dimension \(D\) defined by function \(\kappa\).

In most of the cases studied in this paper, the parameter vector length \(l\) is much smaller than the output matrix size \(n \times D\). Meanwhile, in practice, we can also define function \(\psi\) to fabricate a longer parameter vector into a smaller parameter matrix, where \(l > n \times D\).

To unify these different cases, the data reconciliation function can also be referred to as the parameter fabrication function, and these function names will be used interchangeably in the tinybig library.

2. Examples of Parameter Reconciliation Functions?

In the tinybig library, several different families of parameter reconciliation functions have been implemented, whose detailed information is also available at the reconciliation function documentation pages.

In the following figure, we illustrate some example of them, including their names, formulas, and the corresponding parameter number calculations. In the following parts of this tutorial, we will walk you through some of them to help you get familiar with some of these functions implemented in the tinybig library.


3. Basic Parameter Reconciliation Functions.

Below, we will introduce different parameter reconciliation functions to fabricate a parameter matrix of shape \(n \times D\), where \(n=6\) and \(D=12\).

3.1 Identity Parameter Reconciliation Function.

Given a parameter vector \(\mathbf{w} \in R^l\) of length \(l\), the identity parameter reconciliation function will fabricate vector \(\mathbf{w}\) into a parameter matrix \(\mathbf{W} \in R^{n \times D}\) of shape \(n \times D\) via reshaping operator as follows:

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{reshape}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in R^{n \times D}.

In real practice, given the desired output parameter matrix shape \(n \times D\), the reconciliation functions implemented in the tinybig library will calculate the required parameter vector length \(l\) automatically.

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import identity_reconciliation

rec_func = identity_reconciliation(name='identity_reconciliation')

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
Identity reconciliation printing output
n: 6 D: 12 l: 72

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 72]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

3.2 Duplicated Padding Reconciliation Function.

To reduce the number of required parameters, the duplicated padding reconciliation function will sequentially pad a small-sized parameter vector \(\mathbf{w} \in {R}^l\) (or its reshaped small-sized matrix \(\mathbf{W} \in R^{s \times t}\), where \(l = s \times t\)) to create a large-sized parameter matrix \(\mathbf{W}\) of shape \(n \times D\) as follows:

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{C} \otimes \mathbf{W} = \begin{bmatrix}
C_{1,1} \mathbf{W} & C_{1,2} \mathbf{W}      & \cdots & C_{1,q} \mathbf{W}      \\
C_{2,1} \mathbf{W} & C_{2,2} \mathbf{W}      & \cdots & C_{2,q} \mathbf{W}      \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
C_{p,1} \mathbf{W} & C_{p,2} \mathbf{W}      & \cdots & C_{p,q} \mathbf{W}      \\
\end{bmatrix} \in {R}^{ps \times qt},

where \(\mathbf{C} \in R^{p \times q}\) denotes a constant matrix with \(C_{i,j} = 1\) by default in the current tinybig library implementation.

In real practice, the size of \(\mathbf{C}\), i.e., \(p\) and \(q\), may require manual setups, which have the constraint that \(n = p \times s\), \(D = q \times t\) and \(l = s \times t\).

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import duplicated_padding_reconciliation

p, q = 2, 2
rec_func = duplicated_padding_reconciliation(name='duplicated_padding_reconciliation', p=p, q=q)

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
Duplicated padding reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 18

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 18]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

The above code will fabricate a small parameter vector of length \(18\) (or a parameter matrix of shape \(3 \times 4\)) into a matrix of shape \(6 \times 12\) by duplicating twice in both the row and column dimensions, i.e., \(p=2\) and \(q=2\).

4. Advanced Parameter Reconciliation Functions.

In addition to the above basic parameter reconciliation functions, in this section, we will introduce several more efficient parameter reconciliation methods, which can fabricate an even smaller-length parameter vector into the desired shape.

4.1 Low-Rank Reconciliation Function.

Given the parameter vector \(\mathbf{w} \in {R}^{l}\) and a rank hyper-parameter \(r\), the low-rank parameter reconciliation function will partition \(\mathbf{w}\) into two sub-vectors and subsequently reshape them into two matrices \(\mathbf{A} \in {R}^{n \times r}\) and \(\mathbf{B} \in {R}^{D \times r}\), each possessing a rank of \(r\).

These two sub-matrices \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) help define the low-rank reconciliation function as follows:

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{A} \mathbf{B}^\top \in {R}^{n \times D}.

For instance, following the above examples, we can also fabricate their desired parameter matrix with shape \(6 \times 12\) with the low-rank reconciliation function with rank \(r=1\) as follows:

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import lorr_reconciliation

r = 1
rec_func = lorr_reconciliation(name='lorr_reconciliation', r=r)

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
Low-Rank reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 18

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 18]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

4.2 HM Reconciliation Function.

The Hypercomplex Multiplication (HM)-based reconciliation function applies the Kronecker product operator to two parameter sub-matrices partitioned and reshaped from the parameter vector \(\mathbf{w} \in R^l\) as follows:

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{A} \otimes \mathbf{B} \in {R}^{n \times D}.

Both matrices \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) are derived from the parameter vector \(\mathbf{w}\) through partitioning and subsequent reshaping.

In implementation, to reduce the number of hyper-parameters and accommodate the parameter dimensions, we can setup the size of matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) as fixed by two hyper-parameters \(p\) and \(q\), i.e., \(\mathbf{A} \in {R}^{p \times q}\). Subsequently, the desired size of matrix \(\mathbf{B}\) can be directly calculated as \(s \times t\), where \(s =\frac{n}{p}\) and \(t = \frac{D}{q}\).

tinybig allows manual setups of the hyper-parameters \(p\) and \(q\) and users may need to manually maintain the constraints \(n = p \times s\), \(D = q \times t\) and \(l = s \times t\).

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import hm_reconciliation

p, q = 2, 2
rec_func_manual = hm_reconciliation(name='hm_reconciliation', p=p, q=q)

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func_manual.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func_manual(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
HM reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 22

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 22]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

Besides manual setups, if the hyper-parameters \(p\) and \(q\) are not provided, tinybig can also automatically find the integers that are closet to the square roots of \(n\) and \(D\) for \(p\) and \(q\) (with the tinybig.koala.algebra.find_close_factors method), i.e., \(p = floor(\sqrt{n})\) and \(q = floor(\sqrt{D})\), which will lead to a smaller length \(l\).

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import hm_reconciliation

rec_func_auto = hm_reconciliation(name='hm_reconciliation')

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func_auto.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func_auto(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
HM reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 18

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 18]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

The above code will set \(p=2\) and \(q=3\), which will use \(l=18\) parameters for the fabrication.

4.3 LPHM Reconciliation Function.

To further reduce the number of required parameters, the LPHM reconciliation function proposes to fabricate the sub-matrix \(\mathbf{B}\) used in the above HM reconciliation function into its low-rank representation instead, i.e.,

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{A} \otimes \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{A} \otimes ( \mathbf{S} \mathbf{T}^\top) \in {R}^{n \times D},

where \(\mathbf{A} \in {R}^{p \times q}\), and \(\mathbf{S} \in {R}^{\frac{n}{p} \times r}\) and \(\mathbf{T} \in {R}^{\frac{D}{q} \times r}\) represent the low-rank matrices for composing \(\mathbf{B}\).

Similar as the above, in real practice, tinybig allows either manual or automatic setups of the hyper-parameter \(p\) and \(q\). Below, we will present the automatic hyper-parameter setups with rank \(r=1\), which will further reduce the number of required parameters for the reconciliation function.

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import lphm_reconciliation

r = 1
rec_func_auto = lphm_reconciliation(name='lphm_reconciliation', r=r)

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func_auto.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func_auto(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
LPHM reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 13

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 13]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

The function will automatically identify \(p=2\) and \(q=3\), and the number of required parameter for the function will be \(l = p \times q + r( \frac{n}{p} + \frac{D}{q} ) = 2 \times 3 + 1 \times (\frac{6}{2} + \frac{12}{3}) = 13\).

4.4 Dual-LPHM Reconciliation Function.

The Dual-LPHM reconciliation function applies the low-rank fabrication to both the \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{B}\) matrices in the HM reconciliation function:

\psi(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{A} \otimes \mathbf{B} = ( \mathbf{P} \mathbf{Q}^\top) \otimes ( \mathbf{S} \mathbf{T}^\top) \in {R}^{n \times D},

where \(\mathbf{P} \in {R}^{p \times r}\) and \(\mathbf{Q} \in {R}^{q \times r}\) represent the low-rank matrices for composing \(\mathbf{A}\), and \(\mathbf{S} \in {R}^{\frac{n}{p} \times r}\) and \(\mathbf{T} \in {R}^{\frac{D}{q} \times r}\) represent the low-rank matrices for composing \(\mathbf{B}\).

import torch
from tinybig.reconciliation import dual_lphm_reconciliation

r = 1
rec_func_auto = dual_lphm_reconciliation(name='dual_lphm_reconciliation', r=r)

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func_auto.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func_auto(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
Dual-LPHM reconciliation printing output
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 12

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 12]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

5. Reconciliation Function instantiation from Configs.

Besides the above manual function definitions, we will also briefly introduce how to instantiate the reconciliation function instances from their configurations.

For instance, for the Dual LPHM reconciliation function introduced above, it can also be equivalently represented and instantiated with the following configs

import torch
from tinybig.config.base_config import config

parameter_reconciliation_configs = {
    'parameter_reconciliation_class': 'tinybig.reconciliation.dual_lphm_reconciliation',
    'parameter_reconciliation_parameters': {
        'name': 'dual_lphm_reconciliation',
        'p': 2,
        'q': 3,
        'r': 1,

rec_func = config.get_obj_from_str(parameter_reconciliation_configs['parameter_reconciliation_class'])(**parameter_reconciliation_configs['parameter_reconciliation_parameters'])

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)

tinybig provides several different ways to define and instantiate functions from their configs. Besides the above example, we can also instantiate the function with the tinybig.config.config.instantiation_from_configs method

from tinybig.config.base_config import config

parameter_reconciliation_configs = {
    'parameter_reconciliation_class': 'tinybig.reconciliation.dual_lphm_reconciliation',
    'parameter_reconciliation_parameters': {
        'name': 'dual_lphm_reconciliation',
        'p': 2,
        'q': 3,
        'r': 1,

rec_func = config.instantiation_from_configs(configs=parameter_reconciliation_configs, class_name='parameter_reconciliation_class', parameter_name='parameter_reconciliation_parameters')

For some complex function configs, we can also save the configuration detailed information into a file, which can be loaded for the function instantiation.

Please save the following reconciliation_function_config.yaml to the directory ./configs/ that your code can access:

import torch
from tinybig.config.base_config import config

config_obj = config(name='dual_lphm_reconciliation_function_config')
func_configs = config_obj.load_yaml(cache_dir='./configs', config_file='reconciliation_function_config.yaml')

rec_func = config.instantiation_from_configs(

n, D = 6, 12
l = rec_func.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
print('n:', n, '; D:', D, '; l:', l)

w = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, l), requires_grad=True)
W = rec_func(w=w, n=n, D=D)

print("w vector shape:", w.shape, "; W matrix shape:", W.shape)
  parameter_reconciliation_class: tinybig.reconciliation.dual_lphm_reconciliation
    name: dual_lphm_reconciliation
    p: 2
    q: 3
    r: 1
    require_parameters: True
    enable_bias: True
    device: cpu
Reconciliation function instantiation from Configs
n: 6 ; D: 12 ; l: 12

w vector shape: torch.Size([1, 12]) ; W matrix shape: torch.Size([6, 12])

6. Conclusion.

In this tutorial, we discussed the parameter reconciliation functions in the tinyBIG toolkit. We illustrate several different examples of parameter reconciliation functions. We also use concrete examples to illustrate how to define the reconciliation functions and use them for computing the reconciled parameters, including both basic ones, like identity and duplicated padding reconciliation functions, and more advanced ones, like low-rank, hm, lphm and dual-lphm reconciliation functions. What's more, we also introduced different ways to define the reconciliation functions, including both manual function definition and configuration file based function instantiation.