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Bases: fabrication

The hypernet based parameter reconciliation function.

It performs the hypernet based parameter reconciliation, and returns the reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D). This class inherits from the reconciliation class (i.e., the fabrication class in the module directory).



Formally, given the input parameter vector \(\mathbf{w} \in {R}^l\) from length \(l\), the hypernet based parameter reconciliation function projects it to a high-dimensional parameter matrix of shape (n, D) via a hypernet model, e.g., MLP, as follows $$ \begin{equation} \psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{HyperNet}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in {R}^{n \times D}, \end{equation} $$ where \(\text{HyperNet}(\cdot)\) denotes a randomly initialized MLP model with frozen parameters.

For the hybernet based parameter reconciliation function, the parameter length \(l\) should be assigned manually in the initialization method, and it cannot be calculated based on the dimension parameters \(n\) and \(D\) anymore.

Also in the current project, we use a frozen MLP with 1 hidden layer as the hypernet for parameter reconciliation. Meanwhile, the current implementation of this reconciliation function also allows the dynamic MLP with learnable parameters, which can be turned on or turned off by chanting the "static" parameter as True or False, respectively.


Name Type Description
name str, default = 'hypernet_reconciliation'

Name of the hypernet parameter reconciliation function

r int, default = 2

Submatrix rank parameter.


Name Description

It initializes the hypernet parameter reconciliation function.


It calculates the length of required parameters for the reconciliation function.


It implements the abstract forward method declared in the base reconciliation class.

Source code in tinybig/reconciliation/
class hypernet_reconciliation(fabrication):
    The hypernet based parameter reconciliation function.

    It performs the hypernet based parameter reconciliation, and returns the reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D).
    This class inherits from the reconciliation class (i.e., the fabrication class in the module directory).


    Formally, given the input parameter vector $\mathbf{w} \in {R}^l$ from length $l$, the hypernet based
    parameter reconciliation function projects it to a high-dimensional parameter matrix of shape (n, D) via a hypernet
    model, e.g., MLP, as follows
            \psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{HyperNet}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in {R}^{n \times D},
    where $\text{HyperNet}(\cdot)$ denotes a randomly initialized MLP model with frozen parameters.

    For the hybernet based parameter reconciliation function, **the parameter length $l$ should be assigned manually** in
    the initialization method, and it cannot be calculated based on the dimension parameters $n$ and $D$ anymore.

    Also in the current project, we use a frozen MLP with 1 hidden layer as the hypernet for parameter reconciliation.
    Meanwhile, the current implementation of this reconciliation function also allows the dynamic MLP with learnable
    parameters, which can be turned on or turned off by chanting the "static" parameter as True or False, respectively.

    name: str, default = 'hypernet_reconciliation'
        Name of the hypernet parameter reconciliation function
    r: int, default = 2
        Submatrix rank parameter.

        It initializes the hypernet parameter reconciliation function.

        It calculates the length of required parameters for the reconciliation function.

        It implements the abstract forward method declared in the base reconciliation class.
    def __init__(self, name='hypernet_reconciliation', l: int = 64, hidden_dim: int = 128, static: bool = True, net = None, *args, **kwargs):
        The initialization method of the hypernet parameter reconciliation function.

        It initializes a hypernet parameter reconciliation function object.
        This method will also call the initialization method of the base class as well.

        name: str, default = 'hypernet_reconciliation'
            Name of the hypernet based parameter reconciliation function.
        l: int, default = 64
            The learnable parameter length, which needs to be assigned manually.
        hidden_dim: int, default = 128
            The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.
        static: bool, default = True
            The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False,
            the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.
        net: torch.nn.Sequential, default = None,
            The hypernet MLP model.

            The hypernet parameter reconciliation function object.
        super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.l = l
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        warnings.warn('In hypernet based reconciliation function, parameter l and hidden_dim cannot be None, '
                      'which will be set with the default values 64 and 128, respectively...') = net
        self.static = static

    def calculate_l(self, n: int = None, D: int = None):
        The required parameter number calculation method.

        It calculates the number of required learnable parameters, i.e., $l$, of the parameter reconciliation function.

        For the hybernet based parameter reconciliation function, **the parameter length $l$ should be assigned manually**
        in the initialization method, and it cannot be calculated based on the dimension parameters $n$ and $D$ anymore.

        n: int
            The dimension of the output space.
        D: int
            The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.

            The number of required learnable parameters.
        return self.l

    def initialize_hypernet(self, l: int, n: int, D: int, hidden_dim: int, static: bool = True, device: str = 'cpu'):
        The hypernet MLP initialization method.

        It initializes the hypernet MLP model based on the provided parameters, whose architecture dimensions
        can be denoted as follows:
                [l] \to [hidden\\_dim] \to [n \times D],
        which can projects any inputs of length $l$ to the desired output of length $n \times D$.

        l: int
            The input dimension of the hypernet MLP, which equals to the parameter length $l$.
        n: int
            The output space dimension, which together with the expansion dimension $D$ defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as $n \times D$.
        D: int
            The expansion space dimension, which together with the output space dimension $n$ defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as $n \times D$.
        hidden_dim: int
            The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.
        static: bool, default = True
            The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False,
            the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.

        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            The device to host the hypernet and perform the parameter reconciliation.

            This function initialize the parameter and doesn't have any return values.
        """ = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(l, hidden_dim),
            nn.Linear(hidden_dim, n*D)

        for param in

        if static:
            for param in
                param.requires_grad = False
            for param in
            for param in
                param.requires_grad = True

    def forward(self, n: int, D: int, w: torch.nn.Parameter, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        The forward method of the parameter reconciliation function.

        It applies the hypernet based parameter reconciliation operation to the input parameter vector $\mathbf{w}$,
        and returns the reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D) subject to rank parameters $r$ as follows:
                \psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{HyperNet}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in {R}^{n \times D},
        where $\text{HyperNet}(\cdot)$ denotes a randomly initialized MLP model with frozen parameters.

        n: int
            The dimension of the output space.
        D: int
            The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.
        w: torch.nn.Parameter, default = None
            The learnable parameters of the model.
        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            Device to perform the parameter reconciliation.

            The reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D).
        assert w.ndim == 2 and w.size(1) == self.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
        if is None:
            self.initialize_hypernet(l=self.calculate_l(n, D), n=n, D=D, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim, static=self.static, device=device)
        return, D)

__init__(name='hypernet_reconciliation', l=64, hidden_dim=128, static=True, net=None, *args, **kwargs)

The initialization method of the hypernet parameter reconciliation function.

It initializes a hypernet parameter reconciliation function object. This method will also call the initialization method of the base class as well.


Name Type Description Default

Name of the hypernet based parameter reconciliation function.

l int

The learnable parameter length, which needs to be assigned manually.

hidden_dim int

The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.

static bool

The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False, the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.


The hypernet MLP model.



Type Description

The hypernet parameter reconciliation function object.

Source code in tinybig/reconciliation/
def __init__(self, name='hypernet_reconciliation', l: int = 64, hidden_dim: int = 128, static: bool = True, net = None, *args, **kwargs):
    The initialization method of the hypernet parameter reconciliation function.

    It initializes a hypernet parameter reconciliation function object.
    This method will also call the initialization method of the base class as well.

    name: str, default = 'hypernet_reconciliation'
        Name of the hypernet based parameter reconciliation function.
    l: int, default = 64
        The learnable parameter length, which needs to be assigned manually.
    hidden_dim: int, default = 128
        The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.
    static: bool, default = True
        The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False,
        the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.
    net: torch.nn.Sequential, default = None,
        The hypernet MLP model.

        The hypernet parameter reconciliation function object.
    super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
    self.l = l
    self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
    warnings.warn('In hypernet based reconciliation function, parameter l and hidden_dim cannot be None, '
                  'which will be set with the default values 64 and 128, respectively...') = net
    self.static = static

calculate_l(n=None, D=None)

The required parameter number calculation method.

It calculates the number of required learnable parameters, i.e., \(l\), of the parameter reconciliation function.


For the hybernet based parameter reconciliation function, the parameter length \(l\) should be assigned manually in the initialization method, and it cannot be calculated based on the dimension parameters \(n\) and \(D\) anymore.


Name Type Description Default
n int

The dimension of the output space.

D int

The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.



Type Description

The number of required learnable parameters.

Source code in tinybig/reconciliation/
def calculate_l(self, n: int = None, D: int = None):
    The required parameter number calculation method.

    It calculates the number of required learnable parameters, i.e., $l$, of the parameter reconciliation function.

    For the hybernet based parameter reconciliation function, **the parameter length $l$ should be assigned manually**
    in the initialization method, and it cannot be calculated based on the dimension parameters $n$ and $D$ anymore.

    n: int
        The dimension of the output space.
    D: int
        The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.

        The number of required learnable parameters.
    return self.l

forward(n, D, w, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

The forward method of the parameter reconciliation function.

It applies the hypernet based parameter reconciliation operation to the input parameter vector \(\mathbf{w}\), and returns the reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D) subject to rank parameters \(r\) as follows: $$ \begin{equation} \psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{HyperNet}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in {R}^{n \times D}, \end{equation} $$ where \(\text{HyperNet}(\cdot)\) denotes a randomly initialized MLP model with frozen parameters.


Name Type Description Default
n int

The dimension of the output space.

D int

The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.

w Parameter

The learnable parameters of the model.


Device to perform the parameter reconciliation.



Type Description

The reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D).

Source code in tinybig/reconciliation/
def forward(self, n: int, D: int, w: torch.nn.Parameter, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
    The forward method of the parameter reconciliation function.

    It applies the hypernet based parameter reconciliation operation to the input parameter vector $\mathbf{w}$,
    and returns the reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D) subject to rank parameters $r$ as follows:
            \psi(\mathbf{w}) = \text{HyperNet}(\mathbf{w}) = \mathbf{W} \in {R}^{n \times D},
    where $\text{HyperNet}(\cdot)$ denotes a randomly initialized MLP model with frozen parameters.

    n: int
        The dimension of the output space.
    D: int
        The dimension of the intermediate expansion space.
    w: torch.nn.Parameter, default = None
        The learnable parameters of the model.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        Device to perform the parameter reconciliation.

        The reconciled parameter matrix of shape (n, D).
    assert w.ndim == 2 and w.size(1) == self.calculate_l(n=n, D=D)
    if is None:
        self.initialize_hypernet(l=self.calculate_l(n, D), n=n, D=D, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim, static=self.static, device=device)
    return, D)

initialize_hypernet(l, n, D, hidden_dim, static=True, device='cpu')

The hypernet MLP initialization method.

It initializes the hypernet MLP model based on the provided parameters, whose architecture dimensions can be denoted as follows: $$ \begin{equation} [l] \to [hidden\_dim] \to [n \times D], \end{equation} $$ which can projects any inputs of length \(l\) to the desired output of length \(n \times D\).


Name Type Description Default
l int

The input dimension of the hypernet MLP, which equals to the parameter length \(l\).

n int

The output space dimension, which together with the expansion dimension \(D\) defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as \(n \times D\).

D int

The expansion space dimension, which together with the output space dimension \(n\) defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as \(n \times D\).

hidden_dim int

The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.

static bool

The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False, the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.

device str

The device to host the hypernet and perform the parameter reconciliation.



Type Description

This function initialize the parameter and doesn't have any return values.

Source code in tinybig/reconciliation/
def initialize_hypernet(self, l: int, n: int, D: int, hidden_dim: int, static: bool = True, device: str = 'cpu'):
    The hypernet MLP initialization method.

    It initializes the hypernet MLP model based on the provided parameters, whose architecture dimensions
    can be denoted as follows:
            [l] \to [hidden\\_dim] \to [n \times D],
    which can projects any inputs of length $l$ to the desired output of length $n \times D$.

    l: int
        The input dimension of the hypernet MLP, which equals to the parameter length $l$.
    n: int
        The output space dimension, which together with the expansion dimension $D$ defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as $n \times D$.
    D: int
        The expansion space dimension, which together with the output space dimension $n$ defines the output dimension of the bypernet MLP as $n \times D$.
    hidden_dim: int
        The hidden layer dimension of the hypernet MLP.
    static: bool, default = True
        The static hypernet indicator. If state=True, the hypernet MLP is frozen; if state=False,
        the hypernet MLP is dynamic and contains learnable parameters as well.

    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        The device to host the hypernet and perform the parameter reconciliation.

        This function initialize the parameter and doesn't have any return values.
    """ = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Linear(l, hidden_dim),
        nn.Linear(hidden_dim, n*D)

    for param in

    if static:
        for param in
            param.requires_grad = False
        for param in
        for param in
            param.requires_grad = True