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Bases: Module

The RPN layer class for implementing the multi-head module.

It will be used to compose the RPN model with deep architectures.



Similar to the Transformers, for each layer of RPN model, it allows a multi-head architecture, where each head will disentangle the input data and model parameters using different expansion, reconciliation and remainder functions shown as follows: $$ \begin{equation} g(\mathbf{x} | \mathbf{w}, H) = \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} \left\langle \kappa^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \psi^{(h)}(\mathbf{w}^{(h)}) \right\rangle + \pi^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \end{equation} $$ where the superscript "\(h\)" indicates the head index and \(H\) denotes the total head number. By default, summation is used to combine the results from all these heads.


Name Type Description
m int

The input dimension of the layer.

n int

The output dimension of the layer.

heads torch.nn.ModuleList, default = torch.nn.ModuleList()

The list of RPN heads involved in the layer.

head_fusion fusion, default = None

The fusion function of the outputs learned by multi-heads.

device str, default = 'cpu'

The device for hosting the RPN layer.


Name Description

The initialization method of the RPN-layer module with multiple RPN heads.


The head number retrieval method.


Head parameter initialization method.


Fusion component parameter initialization method.


The multi-head outputs fusion method.


The forward method of this multi-head PRN layer module.


The re-implementatino of the callable method of this RPN layer module.

Source code in tinybig/module/
class rpn_layer(torch.nn.Module):
    The RPN layer class for implementing the multi-head module.

    It will be used to compose the RPN model with deep architectures.


    Similar to the Transformers, for each layer of RPN model, it allows a multi-head architecture,
    where each head will disentangle the input data and model parameters using different expansion,
    reconciliation and remainder functions shown as follows:
            g(\mathbf{x} | \mathbf{w}, H) = \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} \left\langle \kappa^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \psi^{(h)}(\mathbf{w}^{(h)}) \right\rangle + \pi^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}),
    where the superscript "$h$" indicates the head index and $H$ denotes the total head number.
    By default, summation is used to combine the results from all these heads.

    m: int
        The input dimension of the layer.
    n: int
        The output dimension of the layer.
    heads: torch.nn.ModuleList, default = torch.nn.ModuleList()
        The list of RPN heads involved in the layer.
    head_fusion: fusion, default = None
        The fusion function of the outputs learned by multi-heads.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
            The device for hosting the RPN layer.

        The initialization method of the RPN-layer module with multiple RPN heads.

        The head number retrieval method.

        Head parameter initialization method.

        Fusion component parameter initialization method.

        The multi-head outputs fusion method.

        The forward method of this multi-head PRN layer module.

        The re-implementatino of the callable method of this RPN layer module.
    def __init__(
        m: int,
        n: int,
        name: str = "rpn_layer",
        heads: list = None,
        head_configs: dict | list = None,
        width: int = None,
        width_alloc: int | list = None,
        *args, **kwargs
        The initialization method of the RPN-layer module with multiple RPN heads.

        It initializes the RPN layer module composed with multiple RPN heads.
        Specifically, this method initializes the dimension configurations of the layer,
        the component heads, and defines the device to host the head.

        m: int
            The input dimension of the layer.
        n: int
            The output dimension of the layer.
        heads: torch.nn.ModuleList, default = torch.nn.ModuleList()
            The list of RPN heads involved in the layer. The heads involved in the layer can be initialized
            either directly with the heads parameter or via the head_configs parameter.
        head_configs: list, default = None
            The list of RPN head configurations in the layer.
        width: int, default = None
            The total head number of the layer. It is optional, if the "heads" or the "head_configs" can provide
            sufficient information for the head initialization, this widthber parameter can be set as None.
        width_alloc: list, default = None
            RPN allows the heads with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one,
            it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for
            each of them, which are specified by this optional head number allocation parameter.
        head_fusion: fusion, default = None
            The fusion function of the outputs learned by multi-heads.
        head_fusion_configs: dict, default = None
            The fusion function configurations of the outputs learned by multi-heads.
        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            The device for hosting the RPN layer.

            This method will return the initialized RPN-layer object.
        assert m is not None and n is not None
        self.m = m
        self.n = n = name
        self.fusion_parameters = None
        self.heads = torch.nn.ModuleList()
        self.device = device

        # the multi-head initialization
        if heads is not None:
            # initialize heads from the provided head parameter directly
            width = len(self.heads)
        elif head_configs is None:
            raise ValueError("Both heads and head_configs are None, this layer cannot be initialized...")
            # initialize heads from the head configs

            # process the width, width_alloc and head_configs parameters to make them consistent
            width, width_alloc, head_configs = config.process_num_alloc_configs(width, width_alloc, head_configs)
            assert len(width_alloc) == len(head_configs) and sum(width_alloc) == width

            # initialize the multi-head involved in the layer
            for head_repeat_time, head_config in zip(width_alloc, head_configs):
                for head_id in range(0, head_repeat_time):
                    head_class_name = head_config['head_class']
                    head_parameters = head_config['head_parameters']
                    head_parameters['m'] = self.m
                    head_parameters['n'] = self.n
                    head_parameters['device'] = device

        assert len(self.heads) == width and [(self.m, self.n)] * width == [(head.m, head.n) for head in self.heads]

        self.head_fusion = config.instantiation_functions(functions=head_fusion, function_configs=head_fusion_configs, device=device)
        if len(self.heads) > 1 and self.head_fusion is None:
            self.head_fusion = mean_fusion(dims=[head.get_n() for head in heads])
        self.w_head_fusion = None

    def get_m(self):
        return self.m

    def get_n(self):
        if self.head_fusion is not None:
            return self.head_fusion.calculate_n()
            return self.n

    def create_learnable_parameters(self, initialize_parameter_at_creation: bool = False, init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.head_fusion is not None and self.head_fusion.require_parameters:
            l = self.head_fusion.calculate_l()
            self.w_head_fusion = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(1, l))

        if initialize_parameter_at_creation:
            self.initialize_parameters(init_type=init_type, init_bias=init_bias)

    def initialize_parameters(self, init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True):
        Head parameter initialization method.

        It initializes the learnable parameters in each head involved in the layer,
        which will call the parameter initialization method in each of the heads.

            The initialization method doesn't have any return values.
        for head in self.heads:
            head.initialize_parameters(init_type=init_type, init_bias=init_bias)
        if self.w_head_fusion is not None:
            if init_type == 'xavier_uniform':
                torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.w_head_fusion, a=math.sqrt(5))

    def initialize_fusion_parameters(self):
        Fusion component parameter initialization method.

        It initializes the learnable parameters for the fusion component.
        The RPN head also allows the linear fusion component to combine the
        outputs of multi-head with learnable parameters.

            The initialization method doesn't have any return values.
        self.fusion_parameters = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(self.n, self.n*len(self.heads)))

    def get_width(self):
        The head number retrieval method.

        It returns the head number of the layer.

            The number of heads in the layer.
        return len(self.heads)

    def to_config(self):
        layer_class = f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}"
        layer_parameters = {
            'device': self.device,
            'm': self.m,
            'n': self.n,
            'head_configs': [head.to_config() for head in self.heads] if self.head else [],

        if self.head_fusion is not None:
            layer_parameters['head_fusion_configs']= self.head_fusion.to_config()

        return {
            "layer_class": layer_class,
            "layer_parameters": layer_parameters

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The re-implementatino of the callable method of this RPN layer module.

        It re-implements the builtin callable method by calling the forward method.

            It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.
        return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, fusion_strategy: str = 'average', device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        The forward method of this multi-head PRN layer module.

        It calculates the outputs with the multi-head RPN layer based on the inputs subject to certain fusion strategy.
        For each layer of RPN model, RPN allows a multi-head architecture,
        where each head will disentangle the input data and model parameters using different expansion,
        reconciliation and remainder functions shown as follows:
                g(\mathbf{x} | \mathbf{w}, H) = \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} \left\langle \kappa^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \psi^{(h)}(\mathbf{w}^{(h)}) \right\rangle + \pi^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}),
        where the superscript "$h$" indicates the head index and $H$ denotes the total head number.
        By default, summation is used to combine the results from all these heads.

        x: torch.Tensor
            The input data to the layer.
        fusion_strategy: str, default = 'average'
            The optional fusion_strategy of the forward method. If it is set as None, this layer will use the default
             fusion_strategy at initialization of this layer.
        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            Device used to host this layer for calculation.

            It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.
        assert x is not None and x.ndim == 2 and x.size(1) == self.get_m()

        results = []
        for head in self.heads:
            results.append(head(x=x, device=device))
        assert results != [] and [results[0].shape] * len(results) == [result.shape for result in results]

        if self.head_fusion is not None:
            assert self.head_fusion.get_num() == len(results) and [results[0].shape] * len(results) == [result.shape for result in results]
            result = self.head_fusion(x=results, w=self.w_head_fusion, device=device)
            assert len(results) == 1
            result = results[0]

        assert result.size(1) == self.get_n()
        return result

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

The re-implementatino of the callable method of this RPN layer module.

It re-implements the builtin callable method by calling the forward method.


Type Description

It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    The re-implementatino of the callable method of this RPN layer module.

    It re-implements the builtin callable method by calling the forward method.

        It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.
    return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)

__init__(m, n, name='rpn_layer', heads=None, head_configs=None, width=None, width_alloc=None, head_fusion=None, head_fusion_configs=None, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

The initialization method of the RPN-layer module with multiple RPN heads.

It initializes the RPN layer module composed with multiple RPN heads. Specifically, this method initializes the dimension configurations of the layer, the component heads, and defines the device to host the head.


Name Type Description Default
m int

The input dimension of the layer.

n int

The output dimension of the layer.

heads list

The list of RPN heads involved in the layer. The heads involved in the layer can be initialized either directly with the heads parameter or via the head_configs parameter.

head_configs dict | list

The list of RPN head configurations in the layer.

width int

The total head number of the layer. It is optional, if the "heads" or the "head_configs" can provide sufficient information for the head initialization, this widthber parameter can be set as None.

width_alloc int | list

RPN allows the heads with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one, it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for each of them, which are specified by this optional head number allocation parameter.


The fusion function of the outputs learned by multi-heads.


The fusion function configurations of the outputs learned by multi-heads.


The device for hosting the RPN layer.



Type Description

This method will return the initialized RPN-layer object.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def __init__(
    m: int,
    n: int,
    name: str = "rpn_layer",
    heads: list = None,
    head_configs: dict | list = None,
    width: int = None,
    width_alloc: int | list = None,
    *args, **kwargs
    The initialization method of the RPN-layer module with multiple RPN heads.

    It initializes the RPN layer module composed with multiple RPN heads.
    Specifically, this method initializes the dimension configurations of the layer,
    the component heads, and defines the device to host the head.

    m: int
        The input dimension of the layer.
    n: int
        The output dimension of the layer.
    heads: torch.nn.ModuleList, default = torch.nn.ModuleList()
        The list of RPN heads involved in the layer. The heads involved in the layer can be initialized
        either directly with the heads parameter or via the head_configs parameter.
    head_configs: list, default = None
        The list of RPN head configurations in the layer.
    width: int, default = None
        The total head number of the layer. It is optional, if the "heads" or the "head_configs" can provide
        sufficient information for the head initialization, this widthber parameter can be set as None.
    width_alloc: list, default = None
        RPN allows the heads with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one,
        it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for
        each of them, which are specified by this optional head number allocation parameter.
    head_fusion: fusion, default = None
        The fusion function of the outputs learned by multi-heads.
    head_fusion_configs: dict, default = None
        The fusion function configurations of the outputs learned by multi-heads.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        The device for hosting the RPN layer.

        This method will return the initialized RPN-layer object.
    assert m is not None and n is not None
    self.m = m
    self.n = n = name
    self.fusion_parameters = None
    self.heads = torch.nn.ModuleList()
    self.device = device

    # the multi-head initialization
    if heads is not None:
        # initialize heads from the provided head parameter directly
        width = len(self.heads)
    elif head_configs is None:
        raise ValueError("Both heads and head_configs are None, this layer cannot be initialized...")
        # initialize heads from the head configs

        # process the width, width_alloc and head_configs parameters to make them consistent
        width, width_alloc, head_configs = config.process_num_alloc_configs(width, width_alloc, head_configs)
        assert len(width_alloc) == len(head_configs) and sum(width_alloc) == width

        # initialize the multi-head involved in the layer
        for head_repeat_time, head_config in zip(width_alloc, head_configs):
            for head_id in range(0, head_repeat_time):
                head_class_name = head_config['head_class']
                head_parameters = head_config['head_parameters']
                head_parameters['m'] = self.m
                head_parameters['n'] = self.n
                head_parameters['device'] = device

    assert len(self.heads) == width and [(self.m, self.n)] * width == [(head.m, head.n) for head in self.heads]

    self.head_fusion = config.instantiation_functions(functions=head_fusion, function_configs=head_fusion_configs, device=device)
    if len(self.heads) > 1 and self.head_fusion is None:
        self.head_fusion = mean_fusion(dims=[head.get_n() for head in heads])
    self.w_head_fusion = None

forward(x, fusion_strategy='average', device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

The forward method of this multi-head PRN layer module.

It calculates the outputs with the multi-head RPN layer based on the inputs subject to certain fusion strategy. For each layer of RPN model, RPN allows a multi-head architecture, where each head will disentangle the input data and model parameters using different expansion, reconciliation and remainder functions shown as follows: $$ \begin{equation} g(\mathbf{x} | \mathbf{w}, H) = \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} \left\langle \kappa^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \psi^{(h)}(\mathbf{w}^{(h)}) \right\rangle + \pi^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \end{equation} $$ where the superscript "\(h\)" indicates the head index and \(H\) denotes the total head number. By default, summation is used to combine the results from all these heads.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

The input data to the layer.

fusion_strategy str

The optional fusion_strategy of the forward method. If it is set as None, this layer will use the default fusion_strategy at initialization of this layer.

device str

Device used to host this layer for calculation.



Type Description

It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, fusion_strategy: str = 'average', device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
    The forward method of this multi-head PRN layer module.

    It calculates the outputs with the multi-head RPN layer based on the inputs subject to certain fusion strategy.
    For each layer of RPN model, RPN allows a multi-head architecture,
    where each head will disentangle the input data and model parameters using different expansion,
    reconciliation and remainder functions shown as follows:
            g(\mathbf{x} | \mathbf{w}, H) = \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} \left\langle \kappa^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}), \psi^{(h)}(\mathbf{w}^{(h)}) \right\rangle + \pi^{(h)}(\mathbf{x}),
    where the superscript "$h$" indicates the head index and $H$ denotes the total head number.
    By default, summation is used to combine the results from all these heads.

    x: torch.Tensor
        The input data to the layer.
    fusion_strategy: str, default = 'average'
        The optional fusion_strategy of the forward method. If it is set as None, this layer will use the default
         fusion_strategy at initialization of this layer.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        Device used to host this layer for calculation.

        It will return the learning results of this RPN layer.
    assert x is not None and x.ndim == 2 and x.size(1) == self.get_m()

    results = []
    for head in self.heads:
        results.append(head(x=x, device=device))
    assert results != [] and [results[0].shape] * len(results) == [result.shape for result in results]

    if self.head_fusion is not None:
        assert self.head_fusion.get_num() == len(results) and [results[0].shape] * len(results) == [result.shape for result in results]
        result = self.head_fusion(x=results, w=self.w_head_fusion, device=device)
        assert len(results) == 1
        result = results[0]

    assert result.size(1) == self.get_n()
    return result


The head number retrieval method.

It returns the head number of the layer.


Type Description

The number of heads in the layer.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def get_width(self):
    The head number retrieval method.

    It returns the head number of the layer.

        The number of heads in the layer.
    return len(self.heads)


Fusion component parameter initialization method.

It initializes the learnable parameters for the fusion component. The RPN head also allows the linear fusion component to combine the outputs of multi-head with learnable parameters.


Type Description

The initialization method doesn't have any return values.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def initialize_fusion_parameters(self):
    Fusion component parameter initialization method.

    It initializes the learnable parameters for the fusion component.
    The RPN head also allows the linear fusion component to combine the
    outputs of multi-head with learnable parameters.

        The initialization method doesn't have any return values.
    self.fusion_parameters = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.rand(self.n, self.n*len(self.heads)))

initialize_parameters(init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True)

Head parameter initialization method.

It initializes the learnable parameters in each head involved in the layer, which will call the parameter initialization method in each of the heads.


Type Description

The initialization method doesn't have any return values.

Source code in tinybig/module/
def initialize_parameters(self, init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True):
    Head parameter initialization method.

    It initializes the learnable parameters in each head involved in the layer,
    which will call the parameter initialization method in each of the heads.

        The initialization method doesn't have any return values.
    for head in self.heads:
        head.initialize_parameters(init_type=init_type, init_bias=init_bias)
    if self.w_head_fusion is not None:
        if init_type == 'xavier_uniform':
            torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.w_head_fusion, a=math.sqrt(5))