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Bases: model

The RPN model build in the tinyBIG toolkit.

It implements the RPN model build with a deep architecture involving multiple RPN layers.


The RPN model can be built with a deep architecture by stacking multiple RPN layers on top of each other. A deep RPN model with K layers can be represented as follows: $$ \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \text{Input: } & \mathbf{h}_0 = \mathbf{x},\\ \text{Layer 1: } & \mathbf{h}_1 = \left\langle \kappa_1(\mathbf{h}_0), \psi_1(\mathbf{w}_1) \right\rangle + \pi_1(\mathbf{h}_0),\\ \text{Layer 2: } & \mathbf{h}_2 = \left\langle \kappa_2(\mathbf{h}_1), \psi_2(\mathbf{w}_2) \right\rangle + \pi_2(\mathbf{h}_1),\\ \cdots & \cdots \ \cdots\\ \text{Layer K: } & \mathbf{h}_K = \left\langle \kappa_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}), \psi_K(\mathbf{w}_K) \right\rangle + \pi_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}),\\ \text{Output: } & \hat{\mathbf{y}} = \mathbf{h}_K. \end{cases} \end{equation} $$ Each of the layers shown above can be implemented with one RPN layer, which may also involve multi-heads and multi-channels.


Name Type Description
name str, default = 'Reconciled_Polynomial_Network'

Name of the RPN model.

layers list, default = None

The model architecture with multiple layers.

device str, default = 'cpu'

Device to host the RPN model.


Name Description

The RPN model initialization method, it will initialize the model architecture based on the input configurations.


The RPN model depth retrieval method, it will get the number of layers involved in the RPN model.


The RPN model parameter initialization method, it will initialize the parameters of each layer.


The forward method of the RPN model. It will generate the outputs based on the input data.

Source code in tinybig/model/
class rpn(model):
    The RPN model build in the tinyBIG toolkit.

    It implements the RPN model build with a deep architecture involving multiple RPN layers.

    The RPN model can be built with a deep architecture by stacking multiple RPN layers on top of each other.
    A deep RPN model with K layers can be represented as follows:
                \text{Input: } & \mathbf{h}_0  = \mathbf{x},\\\\
                \text{Layer 1: } & \mathbf{h}\_1 = \left\langle \kappa\_1(\mathbf{h}\_0), \psi\_1(\mathbf{w}\_1) \right\rangle + \pi\_1(\mathbf{h}\_0),\\\\
                \text{Layer 2: } & \mathbf{h}\_2 = \left\langle \kappa\_2(\mathbf{h}\_1), \psi\_2(\mathbf{w}\_2) \right\rangle + \pi\_2(\mathbf{h}\_1),\\\\
                \cdots & \cdots \ \cdots\\\\
                \text{Layer K: } & \mathbf{h}\_K = \left\langle \kappa\_K(\mathbf{h}\_{K-1}), \psi\_K(\mathbf{w}\_K) \right\rangle + \pi\_K(\mathbf{h}\_{K-1}),\\\\
                \text{Output: } & \hat{\mathbf{y}}  = \mathbf{h}_K.
    Each of the layers shown above can be implemented with one RPN layer, which may also involve multi-heads and multi-channels.

    name: str, default = 'Reconciled_Polynomial_Network'
        Name of the RPN model.
    layers: list, default = None
        The model architecture with multiple layers.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        Device to host the RPN model.

        The RPN model initialization method, it will initialize the model architecture based on the input configurations.
        The RPN model depth retrieval method, it will get the number of layers involved in the RPN model.
        The RPN model parameter initialization method, it will initialize the parameters of each layer.
        The forward method of the RPN model. It will generate the outputs based on the input data.
    def __init__(
        layers: list = None,
        depth: int = None,
        depth_alloc: int | list = None,
        layer_configs: dict | list = None,
        device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs
        The initialization method of the RPN model with multiple RPN layers.

        It initializes the deep RPN model composed with multiple RPN layers.
        Specifically, this method initializes the name, layers and devices to host the RPN model.

        name: str, default = 'Reconciled_Polynomial_Network'
            Name of the RPN model.
        layers: list, default = None
            The list of RPN layers in the model. The layers involved in the model can be initialized
            either directly with the layers parameter or via the layer_configs parameter.
        layer_configs: list, default = None
            The list of RPN layer detailed configurations.
        depth: int, default = None
            The total layer number of the model. It is optional, if the "layers" or the "layer_configs" can provide
            sufficient information for the model initialization, this depth parameter can be set as None.
        depth_alloc: list, default = None
            RPN allows the layers with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one,
            it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for
            each of the layers, which are specified by this optional layer allocation parameter.
        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            The device for hosting the RPN layer.

            The initialized RPN model object.
        # initialize the base model class with the name
        super().__init__(name=name, device=device, *args, **kwargs)

        self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList()

        if layers is not None:
            depth = len(self.layers)
        elif layer_configs is not None:
            depth, depth_alloc, layer_configs = model_config.process_num_alloc_configs(depth, depth_alloc, layer_configs)
            assert len(depth_alloc) == len(layer_configs) and depth == sum(depth_alloc)

            for layer_repeat_time, layer_config in zip(depth_alloc, layer_configs):
                for layer_id in range(layer_repeat_time):
                    class_name = layer_config['layer_class']
                    parameters = layer_config['layer_parameters'] if 'layer_parameters' in layer_config else {}
                    parameters['device'] = device
                    layer = model_config.get_obj_from_str(class_name)(**parameters)
            raise ValueError("Both layers and layer_configs are None, the model cannot be initialized...")

        assert len(self.layers) == depth

    def get_depth(self):
        RPN model name retrieval method.

        It returns the name of the RPN model.

            It returns the name of the RPN model.
        return len(self.layers)

    def initialize_parameters(self, init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True):
        RPN model parameter initialization method.

        It initializes the parameters of the RPN model with deep architectures.
        This method will call the "initialize_parameters" method for each of the involved layers.

            This method doesn't have any return values.
        for layer in self.layers:
            layer.initialize_parameters(init_type=init_type, init_bias=init_bias)

    def to_config(self):
        model_class = f"tinybig.model.{self.__class__.__name__}"
        model_parameters = {
            'device': self.device,
            'layer_configs': [layer.to_config() for layer in self.layers] if self.layers else [],

        return {
            "model_class": model_class,
            "model_parameters": model_parameters

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        The forward method of the RPN model.

        It computes the desired outputs based on the data inputs.
        For the RPN with deep architecture involving multiple layers, this method will iteratively call each of the
        layers to process the data inputs, illustrated as follows:

                    \text{Input: } & \mathbf{h}_0  = \mathbf{x},\\\\
                    \text{Layer 1: } & \mathbf{h}_1 = \left\langle \kappa_1(\mathbf{h}_0), \psi_1(\mathbf{w}_1) \right\rangle + \pi_1(\mathbf{h}_0),\\\\
                    \text{Layer 2: } & \mathbf{h}_2 = \left\langle \kappa_2(\mathbf{h}_1), \psi_2(\mathbf{w}_2) \right\rangle + \pi_2(\mathbf{h}_1),\\\\
                    \cdots & \cdots \ \cdots\\\\
                    \text{Layer K: } & \mathbf{h}_K = \left\langle \kappa_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}), \psi_K(\mathbf{w}_K) \right\rangle + \pi_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}),\\\\
                    \text{Output: } & \hat{\mathbf{y}}  = \mathbf{h}_K.

        x: torch.Tensor
            The input data instances.
        device: str, default = 'cpu'
            Device for processing the data inputs.

            The desired outputs generated by the RPN model for the input data instances.
        for layer in self.layers:
            x = layer(x, device=device)
        return x

__init__(name='Reconciled_Polynomial_Network', layers=None, depth=None, depth_alloc=None, layer_configs=None, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

The initialization method of the RPN model with multiple RPN layers.

It initializes the deep RPN model composed with multiple RPN layers. Specifically, this method initializes the name, layers and devices to host the RPN model.


Name Type Description Default

Name of the RPN model.

layers list

The list of RPN layers in the model. The layers involved in the model can be initialized either directly with the layers parameter or via the layer_configs parameter.

layer_configs dict | list

The list of RPN layer detailed configurations.

depth int

The total layer number of the model. It is optional, if the "layers" or the "layer_configs" can provide sufficient information for the model initialization, this depth parameter can be set as None.

depth_alloc int | list

RPN allows the layers with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one, it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for each of the layers, which are specified by this optional layer allocation parameter.

device str

The device for hosting the RPN layer.



Type Description

The initialized RPN model object.

Source code in tinybig/model/
def __init__(
    layers: list = None,
    depth: int = None,
    depth_alloc: int | list = None,
    layer_configs: dict | list = None,
    device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs
    The initialization method of the RPN model with multiple RPN layers.

    It initializes the deep RPN model composed with multiple RPN layers.
    Specifically, this method initializes the name, layers and devices to host the RPN model.

    name: str, default = 'Reconciled_Polynomial_Network'
        Name of the RPN model.
    layers: list, default = None
        The list of RPN layers in the model. The layers involved in the model can be initialized
        either directly with the layers parameter or via the layer_configs parameter.
    layer_configs: list, default = None
        The list of RPN layer detailed configurations.
    depth: int, default = None
        The total layer number of the model. It is optional, if the "layers" or the "layer_configs" can provide
        sufficient information for the model initialization, this depth parameter can be set as None.
    depth_alloc: list, default = None
        RPN allows the layers with different configurations, instead of listing such configurations one by one,
        it also allows the listing of each configuration types together with the repeating numbers for
        each of the layers, which are specified by this optional layer allocation parameter.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        The device for hosting the RPN layer.

        The initialized RPN model object.
    # initialize the base model class with the name
    super().__init__(name=name, device=device, *args, **kwargs)

    self.layers = torch.nn.ModuleList()

    if layers is not None:
        depth = len(self.layers)
    elif layer_configs is not None:
        depth, depth_alloc, layer_configs = model_config.process_num_alloc_configs(depth, depth_alloc, layer_configs)
        assert len(depth_alloc) == len(layer_configs) and depth == sum(depth_alloc)

        for layer_repeat_time, layer_config in zip(depth_alloc, layer_configs):
            for layer_id in range(layer_repeat_time):
                class_name = layer_config['layer_class']
                parameters = layer_config['layer_parameters'] if 'layer_parameters' in layer_config else {}
                parameters['device'] = device
                layer = model_config.get_obj_from_str(class_name)(**parameters)
        raise ValueError("Both layers and layer_configs are None, the model cannot be initialized...")

    assert len(self.layers) == depth

forward(x, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

The forward method of the RPN model.

It computes the desired outputs based on the data inputs. For the RPN with deep architecture involving multiple layers, this method will iteratively call each of the layers to process the data inputs, illustrated as follows:

            \text{Input: } & \mathbf{h}_0  = \mathbf{x},\\\\
            \text{Layer 1: } & \mathbf{h}_1 = \left\langle \kappa_1(\mathbf{h}_0), \psi_1(\mathbf{w}_1) \right\rangle + \pi_1(\mathbf{h}_0),\\\\
            \text{Layer 2: } & \mathbf{h}_2 = \left\langle \kappa_2(\mathbf{h}_1), \psi_2(\mathbf{w}_2) \right\rangle + \pi_2(\mathbf{h}_1),\\\\
            \cdots & \cdots \ \cdots\\\\
            \text{Layer K: } & \mathbf{h}_K = \left\langle \kappa_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}), \psi_K(\mathbf{w}_K) \right\rangle + \pi_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}),\\\\
            \text{Output: } & \hat{\mathbf{y}}  = \mathbf{h}_K.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

The input data instances.


Device for processing the data inputs.



Type Description

The desired outputs generated by the RPN model for the input data instances.

Source code in tinybig/model/
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
    The forward method of the RPN model.

    It computes the desired outputs based on the data inputs.
    For the RPN with deep architecture involving multiple layers, this method will iteratively call each of the
    layers to process the data inputs, illustrated as follows:

                \text{Input: } & \mathbf{h}_0  = \mathbf{x},\\\\
                \text{Layer 1: } & \mathbf{h}_1 = \left\langle \kappa_1(\mathbf{h}_0), \psi_1(\mathbf{w}_1) \right\rangle + \pi_1(\mathbf{h}_0),\\\\
                \text{Layer 2: } & \mathbf{h}_2 = \left\langle \kappa_2(\mathbf{h}_1), \psi_2(\mathbf{w}_2) \right\rangle + \pi_2(\mathbf{h}_1),\\\\
                \cdots & \cdots \ \cdots\\\\
                \text{Layer K: } & \mathbf{h}_K = \left\langle \kappa_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}), \psi_K(\mathbf{w}_K) \right\rangle + \pi_K(\mathbf{h}_{K-1}),\\\\
                \text{Output: } & \hat{\mathbf{y}}  = \mathbf{h}_K.

    x: torch.Tensor
        The input data instances.
    device: str, default = 'cpu'
        Device for processing the data inputs.

        The desired outputs generated by the RPN model for the input data instances.
    for layer in self.layers:
        x = layer(x, device=device)
    return x


RPN model name retrieval method.

It returns the name of the RPN model.


Type Description

It returns the name of the RPN model.

Source code in tinybig/model/
def get_depth(self):
    RPN model name retrieval method.

    It returns the name of the RPN model.

        It returns the name of the RPN model.
    return len(self.layers)

initialize_parameters(init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True)

RPN model parameter initialization method.

It initializes the parameters of the RPN model with deep architectures. This method will call the "initialize_parameters" method for each of the involved layers.


Type Description

This method doesn't have any return values.

Source code in tinybig/model/
def initialize_parameters(self, init_type='xavier_uniform', init_bias=True):
    RPN model parameter initialization method.

    It initializes the parameters of the RPN model with deep architectures.
    This method will call the "initialize_parameters" method for each of the involved layers.

        This method doesn't have any return values.
    for layer in self.layers:
        layer.initialize_parameters(init_type=init_type, init_bias=init_bias)