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Bases: incremental_dimension_reduction

Incremental Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction.

This class leverages IncrementalPCA from sklearn.decomposition to perform PCA in an incremental manner, enabling efficient processing of large datasets that cannot fit into memory.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the dimension reduction method.

ipca IncrementalPCA

The underlying incremental PCA model.

n_feature int

The number of components to retain after PCA.


Name Description

Update the number of components for the PCA model.


Fit the incremental PCA model to the input data.


Transform the input data using the fitted PCA model.

Source code in tinybig/koala/machine_learning/dimension_reduction/
class incremental_PCA(incremental_dimension_reduction):
        Incremental Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction.

        This class leverages `IncrementalPCA` from `sklearn.decomposition` to perform PCA in an incremental manner,
        enabling efficient processing of large datasets that cannot fit into memory.

        name : str
            The name of the dimension reduction method.
        ipca : sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA
            The underlying incremental PCA model.
        n_feature : int
            The number of components to retain after PCA.

        update_n_feature(new_n_feature: int)
            Update the number of components for the PCA model.
        fit(X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs)
            Fit the incremental PCA model to the input data.
        transform(X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs)
            Transform the input data using the fitted PCA model.
    def __init__(self, name: str = 'incremental_PCA', *args, **kwargs):
            Initialize the incremental PCA model.

            name : str, optional
                The name of the dimension reduction method. Default is 'incremental_PCA'.
            *args, **kwargs
                Additional arguments passed to the parent class.
        super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=self.n_feature)

    def update_n_feature(self, new_n_feature: int):
            Update the number of components for the PCA model.

            new_n_feature : int
                The new number of components to retain.
        self.ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=new_n_feature)

    def fit(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
            Fit the incremental PCA model to the input data.

            X : Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
                The input data for fitting.
            device : str, optional
                The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.
            *args, **kwargs
                Additional arguments for the fit process.
        if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
            input_X = X.detach().cpu().numpy()  # Convert torch.Tensor to numpy
            input_X = X

    def transform(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
            Transform the input data using the fitted PCA model.

            X : Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
                The input data to transform.
            device : str, optional
                The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.
            *args, **kwargs
                Additional arguments for the transformation process.

            Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
                The transformed data after dimensionality reduction.
        if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
            input_X = X.detach().cpu().numpy()  # Convert torch.Tensor to numpy
            input_X = X
        assert self.n_feature is not None and 0 < self.n_feature <= X.shape[1]

        X_reduced = self.ipca.transform(input_X)

        assert X_reduced.shape[1] == self.n_feature
        return torch.tensor(X_reduced) if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor) and not isinstance(X_reduced, torch.Tensor) else X_reduced

__init__(name='incremental_PCA', *args, **kwargs)

Initialize the incremental PCA model.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the dimension reduction method. Default is 'incremental_PCA'.


Additional arguments passed to the parent class.


Additional arguments passed to the parent class.

Source code in tinybig/koala/machine_learning/dimension_reduction/
def __init__(self, name: str = 'incremental_PCA', *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize the incremental PCA model.

        name : str, optional
            The name of the dimension reduction method. Default is 'incremental_PCA'.
        *args, **kwargs
            Additional arguments passed to the parent class.
    super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
    self.ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=self.n_feature)

fit(X, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Fit the incremental PCA model to the input data.


Name Type Description Default
X Union[ndarray, Tensor]

The input data for fitting.

device str

The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.


Additional arguments for the fit process.


Additional arguments for the fit process.

Source code in tinybig/koala/machine_learning/dimension_reduction/
def fit(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        Fit the incremental PCA model to the input data.

        X : Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
            The input data for fitting.
        device : str, optional
            The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.
        *args, **kwargs
            Additional arguments for the fit process.
    if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
        input_X = X.detach().cpu().numpy()  # Convert torch.Tensor to numpy
        input_X = X

transform(X, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Transform the input data using the fitted PCA model.


Name Type Description Default
X Union[ndarray, Tensor]

The input data to transform.

device str

The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.


Additional arguments for the transformation process.


Additional arguments for the transformation process.



Type Description
Union[ndarray, Tensor]

The transformed data after dimensionality reduction.

Source code in tinybig/koala/machine_learning/dimension_reduction/
def transform(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        Transform the input data using the fitted PCA model.

        X : Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
            The input data to transform.
        device : str, optional
            The device to use for computation ('cpu' or 'cuda'). Default is 'cpu'.
        *args, **kwargs
            Additional arguments for the transformation process.

        Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
            The transformed data after dimensionality reduction.
    if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor):
        input_X = X.detach().cpu().numpy()  # Convert torch.Tensor to numpy
        input_X = X
    assert self.n_feature is not None and 0 < self.n_feature <= X.shape[1]

    X_reduced = self.ipca.transform(input_X)

    assert X_reduced.shape[1] == self.n_feature
    return torch.tensor(X_reduced) if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor) and not isinstance(X_reduced, torch.Tensor) else X_reduced


Update the number of components for the PCA model.


Name Type Description Default
new_n_feature int

The new number of components to retain.

Source code in tinybig/koala/machine_learning/dimension_reduction/
def update_n_feature(self, new_n_feature: int):
        Update the number of components for the PCA model.

        new_n_feature : int
            The new number of components to retain.
    self.ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=new_n_feature)