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Bases: interdependence

A chain-based interdependence function.

This class computes the interdependence matrix using a chain structure.


Formally, given a data instance \(\mathbf{x} \in R^{m}\) with sequential chain-structured interdependence relationships among the attributes of length \(m\), we can define the corresponding unidirectional chain interdependence function as follows:

    \xi(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{A}  \in R^{m \times m'},

where \(\mathbf{A}\) is the composed attribute interdependence matrix. By default, the output dimension \(m'\) equals the input instance dimension, {\ie} \(m' = m\).

In many cases, we sum this interdependence matrix with an identity matrix to denote self-dependency:

    \xi(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{A} + \mathbf{I}  \in R^{m \times m}.

Here, \(\mathbf{I} \in R^{m \times m}\) is a square diagonal identity matrix of size \(m \times m\), allowing the function to model both interdependence and self-dependence with a single dependency function. This self-dependence can also be defined using the linear remainder term in {\our}, both of which contribute to defining sequential interdependence relationships.


Name Type Description
chain chain

The chain structure representing the interdependence.

normalization bool

Whether to normalize the interdependence matrix.

normalization_mode str

The mode of normalization ('row', 'column', etc.).

self_dependence bool

Whether nodes are self-dependent.

self_scaling float

Scaling factor for self-dependence.


Name Description

Initializes the chain-based interdependence function.


Checks if the chain is bidirectional.


Computes the interdependence matrix.

Source code in tinybig/interdependence/
class chain_interdependence(interdependence):
        A chain-based interdependence function.

        This class computes the interdependence matrix using a chain structure.

        Formally, given a data instance $\mathbf{x} \in R^{m}$ with sequential chain-structured interdependence relationships among the attributes of length $m$,
        we can define the corresponding unidirectional chain interdependence function as follows:

            \xi(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{A}  \in R^{m \times m'},

        where $\mathbf{A}$ is the composed attribute interdependence matrix. By default, the output dimension $m'$ equals the input instance dimension, {\ie} $m' = m$.

        In many cases, we sum this interdependence matrix with an identity matrix to denote self-dependency:

            \xi(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{A} + \mathbf{I}  \in R^{m \times m}.

        Here, $\mathbf{I} \in R^{m \times m}$ is a square diagonal identity matrix of size $m \times m$, allowing the function to model both interdependence and self-dependence with a single dependency function. This self-dependence can also be defined using the linear remainder term in {\our}, both of which contribute to defining sequential interdependence relationships.

        chain : chain_structure
            The chain structure representing the interdependence.
        normalization : bool
            Whether to normalize the interdependence matrix.
        normalization_mode : str
            The mode of normalization ('row', 'column', etc.).
        self_dependence : bool
            Whether nodes are self-dependent.
        self_scaling : float
            Scaling factor for self-dependence.

            Initializes the chain-based interdependence function.
            Checks if the chain is bidirectional.
            Computes the interdependence matrix.
    def __init__(
        b: int, m: int,
        interdependence_type: str = 'instance',
        name: str = 'chain_interdependence',
        chain: chain_structure = None,
        chain_length: int = None, bi_directional: bool = False,
        normalization: bool = False, normalization_mode: str = 'row',
        self_dependence: bool = True, self_scaling: float = 1.0,
        require_data: bool = False, require_parameters: bool = False,
        device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs
            Initializes the chain-based interdependence function.

            b : int
                Number of rows in the input tensor.
            m : int
                Number of columns in the input tensor.
            interdependence_type : str, optional
                Type of interdependence ('instance', 'attribute', etc.). Defaults to 'instance'.
            name : str, optional
                Name of the interdependence function. Defaults to 'chain_interdependence'.
            chain : chain_structure, optional
                Predefined chain structure. Defaults to None.
            chain_length : int, optional
                Length of the chain structure. Required if `chain` is not provided. Defaults to None.
            bi_directional : bool, optional
                Whether the chain is bidirectional. Defaults to False.
            normalization : bool, optional
                Whether to normalize the interdependence matrix. Defaults to False.
            normalization_mode : str, optional
                The mode of normalization ('row', 'column', etc.). Defaults to 'row'.
            self_dependence : bool, optional
                Whether nodes are self-dependent. Defaults to True.
            self_scaling : float, optional
                Scaling factor for self-dependence. Defaults to 1.0.
            require_data : bool, optional
                Whether the interdependence function requires data. Defaults to False.
            require_parameters : bool, optional
                Whether the interdependence function requires parameters. Defaults to False.
            device : str, optional
                Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
            *args : tuple
                Additional positional arguments for the parent class.
            **kwargs : dict
                Additional keyword arguments for the parent class.

                If neither `chain` nor `chain_length` is provided.
        super().__init__(b=b, m=m, name=name, interdependence_type=interdependence_type, require_data=require_data, require_parameters=require_parameters, device=device, *args, **kwargs)

        if chain is not None:
            self.chain = chain
        elif chain_length is not None:
            self.chain = chain_structure(length=chain_length, bi_directional=bi_directional)
            raise ValueError('Either chain structure of chain length must be provided...')

        self.node_id_index_map = None
        self.node_index_id_map = None

        self.normalization = normalization
        self.normalization_mode = normalization_mode
        self.self_dependence = self_dependence
        self.self_scaling = self_scaling

    def is_bi_directional(self):
            Checks if the chain is bidirectional.

                True if the chain is bidirectional, False otherwise.
        return not self.chain.is_directed()

    def calculate_A(self, x: torch.Tensor = None, w: torch.nn.Parameter = None, device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
            Computes the interdependence matrix using the chain structure.

            x : torch.Tensor, optional
                Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`. Defaults to None.
            w : torch.nn.Parameter, optional
                Parameter tensor. Defaults to None.
            device : str, optional
                Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
            *args : tuple
                Additional positional arguments.
            **kwargs : dict
                Additional keyword arguments.

                The computed interdependence matrix.

                If the computed matrix shape is invalid.
        if not self.require_data and not self.require_parameters and self.A is not None:
            return self.A
            adj, mappings = self.chain.to_matrix(

            self.node_id_index_map = mappings['node_id_index_map']
            self.node_index_id_map = mappings['node_index_id_map']

            A = self.post_process(x=adj, device=device)

            if self.interdependence_type in ['column', 'right', 'attribute', 'attribute_interdependence']:
                assert A.shape == (self.m, self.calculate_m_prime())
            elif self.interdependence_type in ['row', 'left', 'instance', 'instance_interdependence']:
                assert A.shape == (self.b, self.calculate_b_prime())

            if not self.require_data and not self.require_parameters and self.A is None:
                self.A = A
            return A

__init__(b, m, interdependence_type='instance', name='chain_interdependence', chain=None, chain_length=None, bi_directional=False, normalization=False, normalization_mode='row', self_dependence=True, self_scaling=1.0, require_data=False, require_parameters=False, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Initializes the chain-based interdependence function.


Name Type Description Default
b int

Number of rows in the input tensor.

m int

Number of columns in the input tensor.

interdependence_type str

Type of interdependence ('instance', 'attribute', etc.). Defaults to 'instance'.

name str

Name of the interdependence function. Defaults to 'chain_interdependence'.

chain chain

Predefined chain structure. Defaults to None.

chain_length int

Length of the chain structure. Required if chain is not provided. Defaults to None.

bi_directional bool

Whether the chain is bidirectional. Defaults to False.

normalization bool

Whether to normalize the interdependence matrix. Defaults to False.

normalization_mode str

The mode of normalization ('row', 'column', etc.). Defaults to 'row'.

self_dependence bool

Whether nodes are self-dependent. Defaults to True.

self_scaling float

Scaling factor for self-dependence. Defaults to 1.0.

require_data bool

Whether the interdependence function requires data. Defaults to False.

require_parameters bool

Whether the interdependence function requires parameters. Defaults to False.

device str

Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.

*args tuple

Additional positional arguments for the parent class.

**kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments for the parent class.



Type Description

If neither chain nor chain_length is provided.

Source code in tinybig/interdependence/
def __init__(
    b: int, m: int,
    interdependence_type: str = 'instance',
    name: str = 'chain_interdependence',
    chain: chain_structure = None,
    chain_length: int = None, bi_directional: bool = False,
    normalization: bool = False, normalization_mode: str = 'row',
    self_dependence: bool = True, self_scaling: float = 1.0,
    require_data: bool = False, require_parameters: bool = False,
    device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs
        Initializes the chain-based interdependence function.

        b : int
            Number of rows in the input tensor.
        m : int
            Number of columns in the input tensor.
        interdependence_type : str, optional
            Type of interdependence ('instance', 'attribute', etc.). Defaults to 'instance'.
        name : str, optional
            Name of the interdependence function. Defaults to 'chain_interdependence'.
        chain : chain_structure, optional
            Predefined chain structure. Defaults to None.
        chain_length : int, optional
            Length of the chain structure. Required if `chain` is not provided. Defaults to None.
        bi_directional : bool, optional
            Whether the chain is bidirectional. Defaults to False.
        normalization : bool, optional
            Whether to normalize the interdependence matrix. Defaults to False.
        normalization_mode : str, optional
            The mode of normalization ('row', 'column', etc.). Defaults to 'row'.
        self_dependence : bool, optional
            Whether nodes are self-dependent. Defaults to True.
        self_scaling : float, optional
            Scaling factor for self-dependence. Defaults to 1.0.
        require_data : bool, optional
            Whether the interdependence function requires data. Defaults to False.
        require_parameters : bool, optional
            Whether the interdependence function requires parameters. Defaults to False.
        device : str, optional
            Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
        *args : tuple
            Additional positional arguments for the parent class.
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments for the parent class.

            If neither `chain` nor `chain_length` is provided.
    super().__init__(b=b, m=m, name=name, interdependence_type=interdependence_type, require_data=require_data, require_parameters=require_parameters, device=device, *args, **kwargs)

    if chain is not None:
        self.chain = chain
    elif chain_length is not None:
        self.chain = chain_structure(length=chain_length, bi_directional=bi_directional)
        raise ValueError('Either chain structure of chain length must be provided...')

    self.node_id_index_map = None
    self.node_index_id_map = None

    self.normalization = normalization
    self.normalization_mode = normalization_mode
    self.self_dependence = self_dependence
    self.self_scaling = self_scaling

calculate_A(x=None, w=None, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Computes the interdependence matrix using the chain structure.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

Input tensor of shape (batch_size, num_features). Defaults to None.

w Parameter

Parameter tensor. Defaults to None.

device str

Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.

*args tuple

Additional positional arguments.

**kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments.



Type Description

The computed interdependence matrix.


Type Description

If the computed matrix shape is invalid.

Source code in tinybig/interdependence/
def calculate_A(self, x: torch.Tensor = None, w: torch.nn.Parameter = None, device: str = 'cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        Computes the interdependence matrix using the chain structure.

        x : torch.Tensor, optional
            Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`. Defaults to None.
        w : torch.nn.Parameter, optional
            Parameter tensor. Defaults to None.
        device : str, optional
            Device for computation ('cpu', 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
        *args : tuple
            Additional positional arguments.
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.

            The computed interdependence matrix.

            If the computed matrix shape is invalid.
    if not self.require_data and not self.require_parameters and self.A is not None:
        return self.A
        adj, mappings = self.chain.to_matrix(

        self.node_id_index_map = mappings['node_id_index_map']
        self.node_index_id_map = mappings['node_index_id_map']

        A = self.post_process(x=adj, device=device)

        if self.interdependence_type in ['column', 'right', 'attribute', 'attribute_interdependence']:
            assert A.shape == (self.m, self.calculate_m_prime())
        elif self.interdependence_type in ['row', 'left', 'instance', 'instance_interdependence']:
            assert A.shape == (self.b, self.calculate_b_prime())

        if not self.require_data and not self.require_parameters and self.A is None:
            self.A = A
        return A


Checks if the chain is bidirectional.


Type Description

True if the chain is bidirectional, False otherwise.

Source code in tinybig/interdependence/
def is_bi_directional(self):
        Checks if the chain is bidirectional.

            True if the chain is bidirectional, False otherwise.
    return not self.chain.is_directed()