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Bases: dataloader

A base class for time series data loading and processing.

This class provides methods for downloading, partitioning, normalizing, and loading time series data for machine learning tasks.


Name Type Description
data_profile dict

A dictionary containing metadata about the dataset, including URL information.

x_len int

The number of time steps in the input data (X).

y_len int

The number of time steps in the output data (y).

xy_gap int, default = 1

The gap between the input and output time steps.

name str, default = 'time_series_dataloader'

The name of the dataloader instance.

time_granularity str, default = 'daily'

The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, hourly).

target_attributes str, default = 'All'

The target attributes for prediction (e.g., Open, Close).

coverage_year_range int, default = 1

The range of years covered by the dataset.

instance_ids int or str or None, default = None

The IDs of specific instances to load.

train_batch_size int, default = 64

The batch size for training data.

test_batch_size int, default = 64

The batch size for testing data.


Name Description

Initializes the time series dataloader with the given configuration.


Returns the data profile of the dataset.


Returns the name of the dataloader instance.


Returns the list of target attributes available in the dataset.


Returns the list of supported time granularities for the dataset.


Downloads the raw data files from the specified URLs.


Loads raw time series data from the specified directory.


Partitions the data into input (X) and output (y) time steps.


Loads, processes, and partitions the time series data for training and testing.

Source code in tinybig/data/
class time_series_dataloader(dataloader):
    A base class for time series data loading and processing.

    This class provides methods for downloading, partitioning, normalizing, and loading
    time series data for machine learning tasks.

    data_profile : dict
        A dictionary containing metadata about the dataset, including URL information.
    x_len : int
        The number of time steps in the input data (X).
    y_len : int
        The number of time steps in the output data (y).
    xy_gap : int, default = 1
        The gap between the input and output time steps.
    name : str, default = 'time_series_dataloader'
        The name of the dataloader instance.
    time_granularity : str, default = 'daily'
        The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, hourly).
    target_attributes : str, default = 'All'
        The target attributes for prediction (e.g., Open, Close).
    coverage_year_range : int, default = 1
        The range of years covered by the dataset.
    instance_ids : int or str or None, default = None
        The IDs of specific instances to load.
    train_batch_size : int, default = 64
        The batch size for training data.
    test_batch_size : int, default = 64
        The batch size for testing data.

        Initializes the time series dataloader with the given configuration.
        Returns the data profile of the dataset.
        Returns the name of the dataloader instance.
        Returns the list of target attributes available in the dataset.
        Returns the list of supported time granularities for the dataset.
    download_data(cache_dir, file_name, time_granularity)
        Downloads the raw data files from the specified URLs.
    load_raw(cache_dir, file_name, time_granularity, device='cpu')
        Loads raw time series data from the specified directory.
    partition_data(data_batch, x_len, y_len, xy_gap)
        Partitions the data into input (X) and output (y) time steps.
        Loads, processes, and partitions the time series data for training and testing.
    def __init__(
        data_profile: dict,
        x_len: int, y_len: int,
        xy_gap: int = 1,
        name: str = 'time_series_dataloader',
        time_granularity: str = 'daily',
        target_attributes: str = 'All',
        coverage_year_range: int = 1,
        instance_ids: Union[int, str] = None,
        train_batch_size: int = 64,
        test_batch_size: int = 64,
        Initializes the time series dataloader with the specified configurations.

        data_profile : dict
            The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.
        x_len : int
            The number of input time steps.
        y_len : int
            The number of output time steps.
        xy_gap : int, default = 1
            The gap between input and output time steps.
        name : str, default = 'time_series_dataloader'
            The name of the dataloader.
        time_granularity : str, default = 'daily'
            The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).
        target_attributes : str, default = 'All'
            The attributes for prediction (e.g., Open, Close).
        coverage_year_range : int, default = 1
            The range of years to cover in the dataset.
        instance_ids : int, str, or None, default = None
            Specific instance IDs to load.
        train_batch_size : int, default = 64
            The batch size for training data.
        test_batch_size : int, default = 64
            The batch size for testing data.
        super().__init__(name=name, train_batch_size=train_batch_size, test_batch_size=test_batch_size)

        if data_profile is None or data_profile == {}:
            raise ValueError('data_profile must be provided')
        self.data_profile = data_profile

        self.x_len = x_len
        self.y_len = y_len
        self.xy_gap = xy_gap
        self.time_granularity = time_granularity
        self.target_attributes = target_attributes
        self.coverage_year_range = coverage_year_range
        self.instance_ids = instance_ids

    def get_data_profile(self):
        Returns the data profile of the dataset.

            The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.
        return self.data_profile

    def get_name(self):
        Returns the name of the dataloader.

            The name of the dataloader instance.

    def get_attribute_list(self):
        Returns the list of target attributes available in the dataset.

            The list of target attributes (e.g., Open, High, Close).
        return self.data_profile['target_attributes']

    def get_time_granularity_list(self):
        Returns the list of supported time granularities for the dataset.

            The list of time granularities (e.g., daily, weekly).
        return self.data_profile['time_granularity']

    def download_data(self, cache_dir: str, file_name: str, time_granularity: str):
        Downloads raw time series data from specified URLs.

        cache_dir : str
            The directory to save the downloaded data.
        file_name : str
            The name of the data file to download.
        time_granularity : str
            The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).

            If any required parameter is missing.
        if cache_dir is None or file_name is None or time_granularity is None:
            raise ValueError("The cache directory, file name and time_granularity must be specified.")

        if 'zipped_files' in self.data_profile and file_name in self.data_profile['zipped_files']:
            postfix = '.zip'
            postfix = ''

        complete_file_path = f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}{postfix}'
        url = f'{self.data_profile['url']['url_prefix']}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}{postfix}'
        download_file_from_github(url_link=url, destination_path=complete_file_path)

        if postfix == '.zip':

    def load_raw(self, cache_dir: str, file_name: str,  time_granularity: str, device: str = 'cpu'):
        Loads raw time series data from the specified directory.

        cache_dir : str
            The directory containing the data files.
        file_name : str
            The name of the data file to load.
        time_granularity : str
            The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).
        device : str, default = 'cpu'
            The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

            A tuple containing instance IDs, timestamps, and the time series data as tensors.

            If any required parameter is missing.
        if cache_dir is None or file_name is None or time_granularity is None:
            raise ValueError("The cache directory, file name and time_granularity must be specified.")

        if not check_file_existence(f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}'):
            self.download_data(cache_dir=cache_dir, file_name=file_name, time_granularity=time_granularity)

        data = np.loadtxt(f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}', delimiter=',', dtype='str')
        instance_ids = data[0, 1:]
        timestamps = data[1:, 0]
        time_series_data = data[1:, 1:].astype(float)
        time_series_data = torch.tensor(time_series_data, dtype=torch.float, device=device)

        return instance_ids.tolist(), timestamps.tolist(), time_series_data

    def partition_data(self, data_batch: torch.Tensor, x_len: int, y_len: int, xy_gap: int):
        Partitions the time series data into input (X) and output (y) sequences.

        data_batch : torch.Tensor
            The raw time series data to partition.
        x_len : int
            The number of time steps in the input sequence.
        y_len : int
            The number of time steps in the output sequence.
        xy_gap : int
            The gap between the input and output sequences.

            A tuple containing arrays of input (X) and output (y) sequences.

            If the data batch size is insufficient for partitioning.
        t, n = data_batch.shape

        if t < x_len + y_len + xy_gap:
            raise ValueError("The data batch size must be larger than the number of data points.")

        X, Y = [], []
        for start_idx in range(0, t - x_len - y_len - xy_gap + 1):
            x_segment = data_batch[start_idx:start_idx+x_len, :]
            y_segment = data_batch[start_idx+x_len+xy_gap:start_idx+x_len+xy_gap+y_len, :]
        X = np.array(X)
        Y = np.array(Y)

        return X, Y

    def load(
        # directory to load the data
        cache_dir: str = None,
        # parameters to locate files
        time_granularity: str = None,
        target_attributes: str = None,
        coverage_year_range: int = None,
        # data partition parameters
        instance_ids: Union[int, str] = None,
        train_percentage: float = 0.8,
        normalize: bool = True,
        normalization_mode: str = 'instance_time',
        # other parameters
        device: str = 'cpu',
        *args, **kwargs
        Loads, processes, and partitions the time series data for training and testing.

        cache_dir : str, optional
            The directory to cache the data.
        time_granularity : str, optional
            The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).
        target_attributes : str, optional
            The target attributes for prediction.
        coverage_year_range : int, optional
            The range of years to cover in the dataset.
        instance_ids : int, str, or None, optional
            Specific instance IDs to load.
        train_percentage : float, default = 0.8
            The percentage of data to use for training.
        normalize : bool, default = True
            Whether to normalize the time series data.
        normalization_mode : str, default = 'instance_time'
            The normalization mode (e.g., 'instance', 'time', 'global').
        device : str, default = 'cpu'
            The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

            A dictionary containing training and testing DataLoaders, and the loaded instance IDs.

            If invalid parameters are provided or the data cannot be loaded.
        cache_dir = f'{cache_dir}/{self.data_profile['name']}' if cache_dir is not None else f'./data/{self.data_profile['name']}'
        target_attributes = target_attributes if target_attributes is not None else self.target_attributes
        time_granularity = time_granularity if time_granularity is not None else self.time_granularity
        target_instance_ids = instance_ids if instance_ids is not None else self.instance_ids

        if target_attributes not in self.data_profile['target_attributes']:
            raise ValueError(f"The target attribute '{target_attributes}' is not in the data profile attribute list, please choose the target attribute from list {self.data_profile['target_attributes']}...")
        if time_granularity not in self.data_profile['time_granularity']:
            raise ValueError(f"The time granularity '{time_granularity}' is not in the time granularity list, please choose the time granularity from list {self.data_profile['time_granularity']}...")

        if 'coverage_year_range' in self.data_profile:
            coverage_year_range = coverage_year_range if coverage_year_range is not None else self.coverage_year_range
            if coverage_year_range not in self.data_profile['coverage_year_range']:
                raise ValueError(f"coverage_year_range {coverage_year_range} deosn't exist in the dataset... please select from the year range list {self.data_profile['coverage_year_range']}")
            file_name = f'{coverage_year_range}_year_{time_granularity}_{target_attributes}.csv'
            file_name = f'{time_granularity}_{target_attributes}.csv'

        complete_instance_ids, timestamps, time_series_data = self.load_raw(cache_dir=cache_dir, time_granularity=time_granularity, file_name=file_name)

        if target_instance_ids is not None:
            target_instance_ids = [element for element in target_instance_ids if element in complete_instance_ids]
            column_indices = [complete_instance_ids.index(instance_id) for instance_id in target_instance_ids]
            if column_indices == []:
                raise ValueError(f"none of the instance in the target instance list exists in the dataset... you can leave the instance_ids parameter to be none for loading all instances or select specific instances from the instance ids list {complete_instance_ids}")
            time_series_data = time_series_data[:, column_indices]

        if normalize:
            mode_dict = {
                'instance': 'column', 'column': 'column',
                'time': 'row', 'row': 'row',
                'instance_time': 'row_column', 'time_instance': 'row_column', 'row_column': 'row_column', 'column_row': 'column_row',
                'global': 'row_column', 'all': 'row_column', 'both': 'row_column'
            if normalization_mode not in mode_dict:
                raise ValueError(f"normalization_mode {normalization_mode} is not supported, please choose the model from the supported list: {mode_dict.keys()}")
            if normalization_mode in ['row', 'column']:
                warnings.warn("In the loaded time series data, the row corresponds to the timestamps and the column corresponds to the instances...")
            if normalization_mode in ['time', 'row'] and len(target_instance_ids) == 1:
                warnings.warn("There exist one single instance loaded, normalization by the time is not supported, normalization is changed to by 'instance' instead")
                normalization_mode = 'instance'

            time_series_data = mean_std_based_normalize_matrix(mx=time_series_data, mode=mode_dict[normalization_mode])

        X, y = self.partition_data(data_batch=time_series_data, x_len=self.x_len, y_len=self.y_len, xy_gap=self.xy_gap)
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
            X, y,
            train_size=int(train_percentage * len(X)),
        X_train = torch.tensor(X_train, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.x_len)
        X_test = torch.tensor(X_test, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.x_len)
        y_train = torch.tensor(y_train, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.y_len)
        y_test = torch.tensor(y_test, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.y_len)

        train_dataset = dataset(X_train, y_train)
        test_dataset = dataset(X_test, y_test)
        if self.train_batch_size <= 0 or self.train_batch_size == np.infty:
            train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=len(X_train), shuffle=True)
            train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.train_batch_size, shuffle=True)
        if self.test_batch_size <= 0 or self.test_batch_size == np.infty:
            test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=len(X_test), shuffle=False)
            test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=self.test_batch_size, shuffle=False)
        return {'train_loader': train_loader, 'test_loader': test_loader, 'loaded_instance_ids': target_instance_ids}

__init__(data_profile, x_len, y_len, xy_gap=1, name='time_series_dataloader', time_granularity='daily', target_attributes='All', coverage_year_range=1, instance_ids=None, train_batch_size=64, test_batch_size=64)

Initializes the time series dataloader with the specified configurations.


Name Type Description Default
data_profile dict

The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.

x_len int

The number of input time steps.

y_len int

The number of output time steps.

xy_gap int

The gap between input and output time steps.

= 1
name str

The name of the dataloader.

= 'time_series_dataloader'
time_granularity str

The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).

= 'daily'
target_attributes str

The attributes for prediction (e.g., Open, Close).

= 'All'
coverage_year_range int

The range of years to cover in the dataset.

= 1
instance_ids int, str, or None

Specific instance IDs to load.

= None
train_batch_size int

The batch size for training data.

= 64
test_batch_size int

The batch size for testing data.

= 64
Source code in tinybig/data/
def __init__(
    data_profile: dict,
    x_len: int, y_len: int,
    xy_gap: int = 1,
    name: str = 'time_series_dataloader',
    time_granularity: str = 'daily',
    target_attributes: str = 'All',
    coverage_year_range: int = 1,
    instance_ids: Union[int, str] = None,
    train_batch_size: int = 64,
    test_batch_size: int = 64,
    Initializes the time series dataloader with the specified configurations.

    data_profile : dict
        The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.
    x_len : int
        The number of input time steps.
    y_len : int
        The number of output time steps.
    xy_gap : int, default = 1
        The gap between input and output time steps.
    name : str, default = 'time_series_dataloader'
        The name of the dataloader.
    time_granularity : str, default = 'daily'
        The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).
    target_attributes : str, default = 'All'
        The attributes for prediction (e.g., Open, Close).
    coverage_year_range : int, default = 1
        The range of years to cover in the dataset.
    instance_ids : int, str, or None, default = None
        Specific instance IDs to load.
    train_batch_size : int, default = 64
        The batch size for training data.
    test_batch_size : int, default = 64
        The batch size for testing data.
    super().__init__(name=name, train_batch_size=train_batch_size, test_batch_size=test_batch_size)

    if data_profile is None or data_profile == {}:
        raise ValueError('data_profile must be provided')
    self.data_profile = data_profile

    self.x_len = x_len
    self.y_len = y_len
    self.xy_gap = xy_gap
    self.time_granularity = time_granularity
    self.target_attributes = target_attributes
    self.coverage_year_range = coverage_year_range
    self.instance_ids = instance_ids

download_data(cache_dir, file_name, time_granularity)

Downloads raw time series data from specified URLs.


Name Type Description Default
cache_dir str

The directory to save the downloaded data.

file_name str

The name of the data file to download.

time_granularity str

The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).



Type Description

If any required parameter is missing.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def download_data(self, cache_dir: str, file_name: str, time_granularity: str):
    Downloads raw time series data from specified URLs.

    cache_dir : str
        The directory to save the downloaded data.
    file_name : str
        The name of the data file to download.
    time_granularity : str
        The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).

        If any required parameter is missing.
    if cache_dir is None or file_name is None or time_granularity is None:
        raise ValueError("The cache directory, file name and time_granularity must be specified.")

    if 'zipped_files' in self.data_profile and file_name in self.data_profile['zipped_files']:
        postfix = '.zip'
        postfix = ''

    complete_file_path = f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}{postfix}'
    url = f'{self.data_profile['url']['url_prefix']}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}{postfix}'
    download_file_from_github(url_link=url, destination_path=complete_file_path)

    if postfix == '.zip':


Returns the list of target attributes available in the dataset.


Type Description

The list of target attributes (e.g., Open, High, Close).

Source code in tinybig/data/
def get_attribute_list(self):
    Returns the list of target attributes available in the dataset.

        The list of target attributes (e.g., Open, High, Close).
    return self.data_profile['target_attributes']


Returns the data profile of the dataset.


Type Description

The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def get_data_profile(self):
    Returns the data profile of the dataset.

        The dataset profile containing metadata and URLs.
    return self.data_profile


Returns the name of the dataloader.


Type Description

The name of the dataloader instance.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def get_name(self):
    Returns the name of the dataloader.

        The name of the dataloader instance.


Returns the list of supported time granularities for the dataset.


Type Description

The list of time granularities (e.g., daily, weekly).

Source code in tinybig/data/
def get_time_granularity_list(self):
    Returns the list of supported time granularities for the dataset.

        The list of time granularities (e.g., daily, weekly).
    return self.data_profile['time_granularity']

load(cache_dir=None, time_granularity=None, target_attributes=None, coverage_year_range=None, instance_ids=None, train_percentage=0.8, normalize=True, normalization_mode='instance_time', device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Loads, processes, and partitions the time series data for training and testing.


Name Type Description Default
cache_dir str

The directory to cache the data.

time_granularity str

The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).

target_attributes str

The target attributes for prediction.

coverage_year_range int

The range of years to cover in the dataset.

instance_ids int, str, or None

Specific instance IDs to load.

train_percentage float

The percentage of data to use for training.

= 0.8
normalize bool

Whether to normalize the time series data.

= True
normalization_mode str

The normalization mode (e.g., 'instance', 'time', 'global').

= 'instance_time'
device str

The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

= 'cpu'


Type Description

A dictionary containing training and testing DataLoaders, and the loaded instance IDs.


Type Description

If invalid parameters are provided or the data cannot be loaded.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def load(
    # directory to load the data
    cache_dir: str = None,
    # parameters to locate files
    time_granularity: str = None,
    target_attributes: str = None,
    coverage_year_range: int = None,
    # data partition parameters
    instance_ids: Union[int, str] = None,
    train_percentage: float = 0.8,
    normalize: bool = True,
    normalization_mode: str = 'instance_time',
    # other parameters
    device: str = 'cpu',
    *args, **kwargs
    Loads, processes, and partitions the time series data for training and testing.

    cache_dir : str, optional
        The directory to cache the data.
    time_granularity : str, optional
        The granularity of the time series data (e.g., daily, weekly).
    target_attributes : str, optional
        The target attributes for prediction.
    coverage_year_range : int, optional
        The range of years to cover in the dataset.
    instance_ids : int, str, or None, optional
        Specific instance IDs to load.
    train_percentage : float, default = 0.8
        The percentage of data to use for training.
    normalize : bool, default = True
        Whether to normalize the time series data.
    normalization_mode : str, default = 'instance_time'
        The normalization mode (e.g., 'instance', 'time', 'global').
    device : str, default = 'cpu'
        The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

        A dictionary containing training and testing DataLoaders, and the loaded instance IDs.

        If invalid parameters are provided or the data cannot be loaded.
    cache_dir = f'{cache_dir}/{self.data_profile['name']}' if cache_dir is not None else f'./data/{self.data_profile['name']}'
    target_attributes = target_attributes if target_attributes is not None else self.target_attributes
    time_granularity = time_granularity if time_granularity is not None else self.time_granularity
    target_instance_ids = instance_ids if instance_ids is not None else self.instance_ids

    if target_attributes not in self.data_profile['target_attributes']:
        raise ValueError(f"The target attribute '{target_attributes}' is not in the data profile attribute list, please choose the target attribute from list {self.data_profile['target_attributes']}...")
    if time_granularity not in self.data_profile['time_granularity']:
        raise ValueError(f"The time granularity '{time_granularity}' is not in the time granularity list, please choose the time granularity from list {self.data_profile['time_granularity']}...")

    if 'coverage_year_range' in self.data_profile:
        coverage_year_range = coverage_year_range if coverage_year_range is not None else self.coverage_year_range
        if coverage_year_range not in self.data_profile['coverage_year_range']:
            raise ValueError(f"coverage_year_range {coverage_year_range} deosn't exist in the dataset... please select from the year range list {self.data_profile['coverage_year_range']}")
        file_name = f'{coverage_year_range}_year_{time_granularity}_{target_attributes}.csv'
        file_name = f'{time_granularity}_{target_attributes}.csv'

    complete_instance_ids, timestamps, time_series_data = self.load_raw(cache_dir=cache_dir, time_granularity=time_granularity, file_name=file_name)

    if target_instance_ids is not None:
        target_instance_ids = [element for element in target_instance_ids if element in complete_instance_ids]
        column_indices = [complete_instance_ids.index(instance_id) for instance_id in target_instance_ids]
        if column_indices == []:
            raise ValueError(f"none of the instance in the target instance list exists in the dataset... you can leave the instance_ids parameter to be none for loading all instances or select specific instances from the instance ids list {complete_instance_ids}")
        time_series_data = time_series_data[:, column_indices]

    if normalize:
        mode_dict = {
            'instance': 'column', 'column': 'column',
            'time': 'row', 'row': 'row',
            'instance_time': 'row_column', 'time_instance': 'row_column', 'row_column': 'row_column', 'column_row': 'column_row',
            'global': 'row_column', 'all': 'row_column', 'both': 'row_column'
        if normalization_mode not in mode_dict:
            raise ValueError(f"normalization_mode {normalization_mode} is not supported, please choose the model from the supported list: {mode_dict.keys()}")
        if normalization_mode in ['row', 'column']:
            warnings.warn("In the loaded time series data, the row corresponds to the timestamps and the column corresponds to the instances...")
        if normalization_mode in ['time', 'row'] and len(target_instance_ids) == 1:
            warnings.warn("There exist one single instance loaded, normalization by the time is not supported, normalization is changed to by 'instance' instead")
            normalization_mode = 'instance'

        time_series_data = mean_std_based_normalize_matrix(mx=time_series_data, mode=mode_dict[normalization_mode])

    X, y = self.partition_data(data_batch=time_series_data, x_len=self.x_len, y_len=self.y_len, xy_gap=self.xy_gap)
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
        X, y,
        train_size=int(train_percentage * len(X)),
    X_train = torch.tensor(X_train, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.x_len)
    X_test = torch.tensor(X_test, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.x_len)
    y_train = torch.tensor(y_train, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.y_len)
    y_test = torch.tensor(y_test, device=device).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, self.y_len)

    train_dataset = dataset(X_train, y_train)
    test_dataset = dataset(X_test, y_test)
    if self.train_batch_size <= 0 or self.train_batch_size == np.infty:
        train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=len(X_train), shuffle=True)
        train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=self.train_batch_size, shuffle=True)
    if self.test_batch_size <= 0 or self.test_batch_size == np.infty:
        test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=len(X_test), shuffle=False)
        test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=self.test_batch_size, shuffle=False)
    return {'train_loader': train_loader, 'test_loader': test_loader, 'loaded_instance_ids': target_instance_ids}

load_raw(cache_dir, file_name, time_granularity, device='cpu')

Loads raw time series data from the specified directory.


Name Type Description Default
cache_dir str

The directory containing the data files.

file_name str

The name of the data file to load.

time_granularity str

The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).

device str

The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

= 'cpu'


Type Description

A tuple containing instance IDs, timestamps, and the time series data as tensors.


Type Description

If any required parameter is missing.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def load_raw(self, cache_dir: str, file_name: str,  time_granularity: str, device: str = 'cpu'):
    Loads raw time series data from the specified directory.

    cache_dir : str
        The directory containing the data files.
    file_name : str
        The name of the data file to load.
    time_granularity : str
        The granularity of the data (e.g., daily, weekly).
    device : str, default = 'cpu'
        The device to load the data onto (e.g., CPU or GPU).

        A tuple containing instance IDs, timestamps, and the time series data as tensors.

        If any required parameter is missing.
    if cache_dir is None or file_name is None or time_granularity is None:
        raise ValueError("The cache directory, file name and time_granularity must be specified.")

    if not check_file_existence(f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}'):
        self.download_data(cache_dir=cache_dir, file_name=file_name, time_granularity=time_granularity)

    data = np.loadtxt(f'{cache_dir}/{time_granularity}/{file_name}', delimiter=',', dtype='str')
    instance_ids = data[0, 1:]
    timestamps = data[1:, 0]
    time_series_data = data[1:, 1:].astype(float)
    time_series_data = torch.tensor(time_series_data, dtype=torch.float, device=device)

    return instance_ids.tolist(), timestamps.tolist(), time_series_data

partition_data(data_batch, x_len, y_len, xy_gap)

Partitions the time series data into input (X) and output (y) sequences.


Name Type Description Default
data_batch Tensor

The raw time series data to partition.

x_len int

The number of time steps in the input sequence.

y_len int

The number of time steps in the output sequence.

xy_gap int

The gap between the input and output sequences.



Type Description

A tuple containing arrays of input (X) and output (y) sequences.


Type Description

If the data batch size is insufficient for partitioning.

Source code in tinybig/data/
def partition_data(self, data_batch: torch.Tensor, x_len: int, y_len: int, xy_gap: int):
    Partitions the time series data into input (X) and output (y) sequences.

    data_batch : torch.Tensor
        The raw time series data to partition.
    x_len : int
        The number of time steps in the input sequence.
    y_len : int
        The number of time steps in the output sequence.
    xy_gap : int
        The gap between the input and output sequences.

        A tuple containing arrays of input (X) and output (y) sequences.

        If the data batch size is insufficient for partitioning.
    t, n = data_batch.shape

    if t < x_len + y_len + xy_gap:
        raise ValueError("The data batch size must be larger than the number of data points.")

    X, Y = [], []
    for start_idx in range(0, t - x_len - y_len - xy_gap + 1):
        x_segment = data_batch[start_idx:start_idx+x_len, :]
        y_segment = data_batch[start_idx+x_len+xy_gap:start_idx+x_len+xy_gap+y_len, :]
    X = np.array(X)
    Y = np.array(Y)

    return X, Y