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Bases: transformation

A probabilistic-based compression class for dimensionality reduction.

This class compresses input data by sampling features probabilistically based on a specified distribution or metric. It supports simple sampling, normalization, and probabilistic weighting.


Formally, given a data instance \(\mathbf{x} \in {R}^m\), we define the probabilistic compression function based on probabilistic sampling as:

$$ \begin{equation} \kappa(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{t} \in {R}^d, \end{equation} $$ where the output vector \(\mathbf{t}\) is conditionally dependent on \(\mathbf{x}\) following certain distributions. For example, using a Gaussian distribution:

$$ \begin{equation} \mathbf{t} | \mathbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}). \end{equation} $$ The dimension \(d\) of the output vector \(\mathbf{t}\) is a hyper-parameter \(d = k\) requiring manual setup.


Name Type Description
k int

Number of features to retain after compression.

metric (Callable, optional)

Metric function to apply to the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to None.

simply_sampling bool

If True, performs simple sampling without further processing. Defaults to True.

with_replacement bool

If True, samples features with replacement. Defaults to False.

require_normalization bool

If True, normalizes the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to True.

log_prob bool

If True, returns the logarithm of probabilities for the compressed features. Defaults to False.

distribution_function distributions

Probability distribution function used for sampling. Defaults to a uniform distribution.


Name Description

Initializes the probabilistic compression function.


Validates and returns the number of features to retain (k).


Converts the current configuration into a dictionary format.


Computes sampling weights for the input tensor based on the probability distribution.


Applies probabilistic sampling to compress the input tensor.

Source code in tinybig/compression/
class naive_probabilistic_compression(transformation):
        A probabilistic-based compression class for dimensionality reduction.

        This class compresses input data by sampling features probabilistically based on a specified
        distribution or metric. It supports simple sampling, normalization, and probabilistic weighting.

        Formally, given a data instance $\mathbf{x} \in {R}^m$, we define the probabilistic compression function based on probabilistic sampling as:

            \kappa(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{t} \in {R}^d,
        where the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is conditionally dependent on $\mathbf{x}$ following certain distributions. For example, using a Gaussian distribution:

            \mathbf{t} | \mathbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}).
        The dimension $d$ of the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is a hyper-parameter $d = k$ requiring manual setup.

        k : int
            Number of features to retain after compression.
        metric : Callable, optional
            Metric function to apply to the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to None.
        simply_sampling : bool
            If True, performs simple sampling without further processing. Defaults to True.
        with_replacement : bool
            If True, samples features with replacement. Defaults to False.
        require_normalization : bool
            If True, normalizes the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to True.
        log_prob : bool
            If True, returns the logarithm of probabilities for the compressed features. Defaults to False.
        distribution_function : torch.distributions
            Probability distribution function used for sampling. Defaults to a uniform distribution.

        __init__(k, name='probabilistic_compression', simply_sampling=True, distribution_function=None, ...)
            Initializes the probabilistic compression function.
        calculate_D(m: int)
            Validates and returns the number of features to retain (`k`).
            Converts the current configuration into a dictionary format.
        calculate_weights(x: torch.Tensor)
            Computes sampling weights for the input tensor based on the probability distribution.
        forward(x: torch.Tensor, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)
            Applies probabilistic sampling to compress the input tensor.
    def __init__(
        k: int,
        name: str = 'probabilistic_compression',
        simply_sampling: bool = True,
        distribution_function: torch.distributions = None,
        distribution_function_configs: dict = None,
        metric: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = None,
        with_replacement: bool = False,
        require_normalization: bool = True,
        log_prob: bool = False,
        *args, **kwargs
            The initialization method of the naive probabilistic compression function.

            It initializes the compression function based on the provided probabilistic distribution function.

            k : int
                Number of features to retain after compression.
            name : str, optional
                Name of the transformation. Defaults to 'probabilistic_compression'.
            simply_sampling : bool, optional
                If True, performs simple sampling without further processing. Defaults to True.
            distribution_function : torch.distributions, optional
                Pre-defined probability distribution function for sampling. Defaults to None.
            distribution_function_configs : dict, optional
                Configuration dictionary for initializing the distribution function. Defaults to None.
            metric : Callable, optional
                Metric function to apply to the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to None.
            with_replacement : bool, optional
                If True, samples features with replacement. Defaults to False.
            require_normalization : bool, optional
                If True, normalizes the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to True.
            log_prob : bool, optional
                If True, returns the logarithm of probabilities for the compressed features. Defaults to False.
            *args : tuple
                Additional positional arguments for the parent `transformation` class.
            **kwargs : dict
                Additional keyword arguments for the parent `transformation` class.

        super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.k = k
        self.metric = metric
        self.simply_sampling = simply_sampling
        self.with_replacement = with_replacement
        self.require_normalization = require_normalization
        self.log_prob = log_prob

        if self.simply_sampling:
            self. log_prob = False

        if distribution_function is not None:
            self.distribution_function = distribution_function
        elif distribution_function_configs is not None:
            function_class = distribution_function_configs['function_class']
            function_parameters = distribution_function_configs['function_parameters'] if 'function_parameters' in distribution_function_configs else {}
            self.distribution_function = config.get_obj_from_str(function_class)(**function_parameters)
            self.distribution_function = None

        if self.distribution_function is None:
            self.distribution_function = torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)

    def calculate_D(self, m: int):
            Validates and returns the number of features to retain (`k`).

            This method ensures that the number of features to retain (`k`) is within the valid range
            [0, m], where `m` is the total number of features in the input.

            m : int
                Total number of features in the input tensor.

                The number of features to retain (`k`).

                If `k` is not set or is not within the range [0, m].
        assert self.k is not None and 0 <= self.k <= m
        return self.k

    def to_config(self):
            Converts the current configuration into a dictionary format.

            This method extracts the current configuration of the instance, including the distribution
            function and its parameters, and returns it as a dictionary.

                A dictionary containing the configuration of the instance, including parameters for the
                distribution function.
        configs = super().to_config()
        if self.distribution_function is not None:
            configs['function_parameters']['distribution_function_configs'] = function.functions_to_configs(self.distribution_function)
        return configs

    def calculate_weights(self, x: torch.Tensor):
            Computes sampling weights for the input tensor based on the probability distribution.

            This method applies the specified distribution function to compute weights for sampling.
            If no distribution function is provided, uniform weights are assigned.

            x : torch.Tensor
                Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`.

                Sampling weights of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`, normalized to sum to 1 along
                the last dimension.
        if self.distribution_function is not None:
            x = torch.exp(self.distribution_function.log_prob(x))
            weights = x/x.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            b, m = x.shape
            weights = torch.ones((b, m)) / m
        return weights

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
            Applies probabilistic sampling to compress the input tensor.

            This method processes the input tensor, computes sampling weights, and uses them to select
            features probabilistically based on the specified distribution function or metric.

            Formally, given a data instance $\mathbf{x} \in {R}^m$, we define the probabilistic compression function based on probabilistic sampling as:

                \kappa(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{t} \in {R}^d,
            where the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is conditionally dependent on $\mathbf{x}$ following certain distributions. For example, using a Gaussian distribution:

                \mathbf{t} | \mathbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}).
            The dimension $d$ of the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is a hyper-parameter $d = k$ requiring manual setup.

            x : torch.Tensor
                Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`.
            device : str, optional
                Device for computation (e.g., 'cpu' or 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
            *args : tuple
                Additional positional arguments for pre- and post-processing.
            **kwargs : dict
                Additional keyword arguments for pre- and post-processing.

                Compressed tensor of shape `(batch_size, k)`.

                If the output tensor shape does not match the expected `(batch_size, k)`.
        b, m = x.shape
        x = self.pre_process(x=x, device=device)

        data_x = None
        if self.simply_sampling:
            data_x = x.clone()

        if self.metric is not None:
            x = self.metric(x)
        if self.require_normalization:
            x = 0.99 * torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(x) + 0.001

        weights = self.calculate_weights(x)
        sampled_indices = torch.multinomial(weights, self.calculate_D(m=m), replacement=self.with_replacement)
        sampled_indices, _ = torch.sort(sampled_indices, dim=1)

        if self.simply_sampling:
            compression = torch.gather(data_x, 1, sampled_indices)
            compression = torch.gather(x, 1, sampled_indices)

        if self.log_prob:
            compression = self.distribution_function.log_prob(compression)

        assert compression.shape == (b, self.calculate_D(m=m))
        return self.post_process(x=compression, device=device)

__init__(k, name='probabilistic_compression', simply_sampling=True, distribution_function=None, distribution_function_configs=None, metric=None, with_replacement=False, require_normalization=True, log_prob=False, *args, **kwargs)

The initialization method of the naive probabilistic compression function.

It initializes the compression function based on the provided probabilistic distribution function.


Name Type Description Default
k int

Number of features to retain after compression.

name str

Name of the transformation. Defaults to 'probabilistic_compression'.

simply_sampling bool

If True, performs simple sampling without further processing. Defaults to True.

distribution_function distributions

Pre-defined probability distribution function for sampling. Defaults to None.

distribution_function_configs dict

Configuration dictionary for initializing the distribution function. Defaults to None.

metric Callable

Metric function to apply to the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to None.

with_replacement bool

If True, samples features with replacement. Defaults to False.

require_normalization bool

If True, normalizes the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to True.

log_prob bool

If True, returns the logarithm of probabilities for the compressed features. Defaults to False.

*args tuple

Additional positional arguments for the parent transformation class.

**kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments for the parent transformation class.

Source code in tinybig/compression/
def __init__(
    k: int,
    name: str = 'probabilistic_compression',
    simply_sampling: bool = True,
    distribution_function: torch.distributions = None,
    distribution_function_configs: dict = None,
    metric: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = None,
    with_replacement: bool = False,
    require_normalization: bool = True,
    log_prob: bool = False,
    *args, **kwargs
        The initialization method of the naive probabilistic compression function.

        It initializes the compression function based on the provided probabilistic distribution function.

        k : int
            Number of features to retain after compression.
        name : str, optional
            Name of the transformation. Defaults to 'probabilistic_compression'.
        simply_sampling : bool, optional
            If True, performs simple sampling without further processing. Defaults to True.
        distribution_function : torch.distributions, optional
            Pre-defined probability distribution function for sampling. Defaults to None.
        distribution_function_configs : dict, optional
            Configuration dictionary for initializing the distribution function. Defaults to None.
        metric : Callable, optional
            Metric function to apply to the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to None.
        with_replacement : bool, optional
            If True, samples features with replacement. Defaults to False.
        require_normalization : bool, optional
            If True, normalizes the input tensor before sampling. Defaults to True.
        log_prob : bool, optional
            If True, returns the logarithm of probabilities for the compressed features. Defaults to False.
        *args : tuple
            Additional positional arguments for the parent `transformation` class.
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments for the parent `transformation` class.

    super().__init__(name=name, *args, **kwargs)
    self.k = k
    self.metric = metric
    self.simply_sampling = simply_sampling
    self.with_replacement = with_replacement
    self.require_normalization = require_normalization
    self.log_prob = log_prob

    if self.simply_sampling:
        self. log_prob = False

    if distribution_function is not None:
        self.distribution_function = distribution_function
    elif distribution_function_configs is not None:
        function_class = distribution_function_configs['function_class']
        function_parameters = distribution_function_configs['function_parameters'] if 'function_parameters' in distribution_function_configs else {}
        self.distribution_function = config.get_obj_from_str(function_class)(**function_parameters)
        self.distribution_function = None

    if self.distribution_function is None:
        self.distribution_function = torch.distributions.uniform.Uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)


Validates and returns the number of features to retain (k).

This method ensures that the number of features to retain (k) is within the valid range [0, m], where m is the total number of features in the input.


Name Type Description Default
m int

Total number of features in the input tensor.



Type Description

The number of features to retain (k).


Type Description

If k is not set or is not within the range [0, m].

Source code in tinybig/compression/
def calculate_D(self, m: int):
        Validates and returns the number of features to retain (`k`).

        This method ensures that the number of features to retain (`k`) is within the valid range
        [0, m], where `m` is the total number of features in the input.

        m : int
            Total number of features in the input tensor.

            The number of features to retain (`k`).

            If `k` is not set or is not within the range [0, m].
    assert self.k is not None and 0 <= self.k <= m
    return self.k


Computes sampling weights for the input tensor based on the probability distribution.

This method applies the specified distribution function to compute weights for sampling. If no distribution function is provided, uniform weights are assigned.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

Input tensor of shape (batch_size, num_features).



Type Description

Sampling weights of shape (batch_size, num_features), normalized to sum to 1 along the last dimension.

Source code in tinybig/compression/
def calculate_weights(self, x: torch.Tensor):
        Computes sampling weights for the input tensor based on the probability distribution.

        This method applies the specified distribution function to compute weights for sampling.
        If no distribution function is provided, uniform weights are assigned.

        x : torch.Tensor
            Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`.

            Sampling weights of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`, normalized to sum to 1 along
            the last dimension.
    if self.distribution_function is not None:
        x = torch.exp(self.distribution_function.log_prob(x))
        weights = x/x.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        b, m = x.shape
        weights = torch.ones((b, m)) / m
    return weights

forward(x, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs)

Applies probabilistic sampling to compress the input tensor.

This method processes the input tensor, computes sampling weights, and uses them to select features probabilistically based on the specified distribution function or metric.

Formally, given a data instance \(\mathbf{x} \in {R}^m\), we define the probabilistic compression function based on probabilistic sampling as:

$$ \begin{equation} \kappa(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{t} \in {R}^d, \end{equation} $$ where the output vector \(\mathbf{t}\) is conditionally dependent on \(\mathbf{x}\) following certain distributions. For example, using a Gaussian distribution:

$$ \begin{equation} \mathbf{t} | \mathbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}). \end{equation} $$ The dimension \(d\) of the output vector \(\mathbf{t}\) is a hyper-parameter \(d = k\) requiring manual setup.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

Input tensor of shape (batch_size, num_features).

device str

Device for computation (e.g., 'cpu' or 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.

*args tuple

Additional positional arguments for pre- and post-processing.

**kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments for pre- and post-processing.



Type Description

Compressed tensor of shape (batch_size, k).


Type Description

If the output tensor shape does not match the expected (batch_size, k).

Source code in tinybig/compression/
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, device='cpu', *args, **kwargs):
        Applies probabilistic sampling to compress the input tensor.

        This method processes the input tensor, computes sampling weights, and uses them to select
        features probabilistically based on the specified distribution function or metric.

        Formally, given a data instance $\mathbf{x} \in {R}^m$, we define the probabilistic compression function based on probabilistic sampling as:

            \kappa(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{t} \in {R}^d,
        where the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is conditionally dependent on $\mathbf{x}$ following certain distributions. For example, using a Gaussian distribution:

            \mathbf{t} | \mathbf{x} \sim \mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}).
        The dimension $d$ of the output vector $\mathbf{t}$ is a hyper-parameter $d = k$ requiring manual setup.

        x : torch.Tensor
            Input tensor of shape `(batch_size, num_features)`.
        device : str, optional
            Device for computation (e.g., 'cpu' or 'cuda'). Defaults to 'cpu'.
        *args : tuple
            Additional positional arguments for pre- and post-processing.
        **kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments for pre- and post-processing.

            Compressed tensor of shape `(batch_size, k)`.

            If the output tensor shape does not match the expected `(batch_size, k)`.
    b, m = x.shape
    x = self.pre_process(x=x, device=device)

    data_x = None
    if self.simply_sampling:
        data_x = x.clone()

    if self.metric is not None:
        x = self.metric(x)
    if self.require_normalization:
        x = 0.99 * torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(x) + 0.001

    weights = self.calculate_weights(x)
    sampled_indices = torch.multinomial(weights, self.calculate_D(m=m), replacement=self.with_replacement)
    sampled_indices, _ = torch.sort(sampled_indices, dim=1)

    if self.simply_sampling:
        compression = torch.gather(data_x, 1, sampled_indices)
        compression = torch.gather(x, 1, sampled_indices)

    if self.log_prob:
        compression = self.distribution_function.log_prob(compression)

    assert compression.shape == (b, self.calculate_D(m=m))
    return self.post_process(x=compression, device=device)


Converts the current configuration into a dictionary format.

This method extracts the current configuration of the instance, including the distribution function and its parameters, and returns it as a dictionary.


Type Description

A dictionary containing the configuration of the instance, including parameters for the distribution function.

Source code in tinybig/compression/
def to_config(self):
        Converts the current configuration into a dictionary format.

        This method extracts the current configuration of the instance, including the distribution
        function and its parameters, and returns it as a dictionary.

            A dictionary containing the configuration of the instance, including parameters for the
            distribution function.
    configs = super().to_config()
    if self.distribution_function is not None:
        configs['function_parameters']['distribution_function_configs'] = function.functions_to_configs(self.distribution_function)
    return configs